Chapter 1: Hollywood Arts

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Sam's P.O.V.


I whined.

"I-- Ahhh! Sam!!!"

I ran to her room and saw she fell of her wheelchair.

"Cat you have to stop falling! I can't help you forever!"

I helped her up.

"Sorry Sam. Ok let's go."

"Can't one of your school friends pick you up? I do not want to spend a month is school. You know I hate school!"

"Sam! I can't remember! You signed the form! Besides. At least now we don't have to babysit for a month since the dude that hit us with his car is gonna pay for stuff."

"Arghhh! I can't believe you broke bones and I only got a small cut."

"By small you mean a cut that needed 12 stitches?"


I grabbed her chair to wheel her when I pulled my hand away.


"Sam! Wear your cast! Doesn't it hurt?"

"It only hurts if you let it."

I pushed her out despite the stabbing pain in my arm.

Time skip

I may not be a celeb but I'm still an internet sensation. I wore a hoodie to hide my face and pushed Cat to her friends in the hall.

"OMG CAT!!!"

A group of people ran to her.

"What happened?!" A tall and quite thin chic asked Cat


"How?" An older girl who looks like the first chick asked.


"When?" A darker guy (no offense) with a keyboard asked.

"Two days ago on Saturday."

"What are your injuries?" A nerdy guy with a puppet asked

"Broken Rib. Broken left thigh. Concussion. Broken left arm."

"You have any blood bags?" A girl who looked gothic asked

"Um... Yeah one at home"

"Can I have it?"


The gothic girl smiles.

"Who is she?" A guy with 'the hair' asked

Everyone looks at me.

Thanks guy.

"She's my roommate, Sam. She was also in the accident but she is tough and is actually walking with a broken leg. She removed her sling even though it hurts. She is suppose to wear a metal brace but didn't"

"Wow she's tough" The hair guy said.

"She's quiet huh?" the first chick asked

"Not at home. She's loud."

Cat!!! Stop it! I kept my head down. I kept it ever since I came in

"Hello Sam!" The hair guy said.

"Hello." I tried to say quietly without giving away my voice.

"Wait a minute.." the goth says "She sounds really damn familiar"

"Can we see you?" The dark guy asked.

Oh no.

I lifted my head and removed my hood.

"Sam Puckett from iCarly!!!" the first girl said

"Good job Captain Obvious."

Everyone turns to Cat

"Why didn't you tell us she was your roommate!?"

"She didn't like the over attention."

The all turn to me.

"I'm Tori. This is my crazy sister Trina."


"I'm Robbie."

"I'm Rex"

"Aren't you the puppet I beat in that battle?

"Momma's got rhyme."

"I'm Andre."

"I'm Beck and this is my girlfriend, Jade. Jade say hi."

"Hi. I'm the mean one."

I smile

"So am I."

"I've heard."

The bell rang

"Sam we gotta get to class" Cat says

"Where to kiddo?"

"Follow them we go to the same class. Sikowitz's"

"What type of guys is named Sikowitz?!"

I guy in his 'pajamas' (?!) drinking out of a coconut in one hand and shaking matonaise in the other came.

"This type of teacher. Good golly Cat! Wh--never mind. Let's gooooo! Oh and Sam. Are ou coming?"

"I really don't want to..." Cat gives my a pouty face "But I have to."

We went in


We sat in the seats and the Siko goes on the mini stage

"I know we are suppose to do something but I wanna do a quick activity with our new student--"

"One, I am not a student. Two, if this involves the puppet, I will kill him and rip of his head."

"Ok... No I want a little improv. You and Jade."

The class 'Oooed' and Jade and I went on stage

"What do we do?" Jade asked

"I want you two to act like husband and wife"

I look at Sikowitz

"Ok. One, we are both GIRLS. And two, when the doctors ask what happen when you wake up from your coma, say you were shock by a pen." I pull out my pen

"Sam!" Cat yells "Put. the pen. down"

"Cat I--"



I drop the pen.

"I'm the wife" Jade says

"Yeah no chiz"

We get in character then a lady comes but we ignore.

"So 'honey' what do you thing of my new hair?"

"Disgusting." I simply say

"Glad to know. I hate your hair too."

"Will you get me some food?"

"Would you like a slap?"


She slaps me.

"You probably should't have done that."

I slap her back

She slaps me

I slap her

She punches me

I punch her

"I want a divorce"

"I want the house, food, car and dog"

We end it.

Everyone stares at us.

"Puckett. My office. Now."

"Fine. I'll call my parole officer."

"No no. Just come."

New Student (Sam and Cat, iCarly, Victorious, Seddie)Where stories live. Discover now