Chapter 2: New Girl

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Sam's P.O.V.

"What Hels?"

"Would you lile to join my school?"

"Whuuttt I hate work! I hate people! I hate school! And it's so expemsive!"

"Free. Even for Cat.

"What?! Wait. Why do you want me to join?"

"You have talent! We need talent here! Honestly you have one of the best! So will you?"

"Yeah sure."

She made me sign stuff. Then I went back home to grab a backpack. She gave my by books and I went back to Sikowitz

"You got yourself a new student!!"

Then Tori stands


"Acting and Rapping."

She smiles

"Then you gotta pass the bird scene!"

"What in the world is a Bird Scene?"

Sikowitz gave me a book

"To be in any play, you must complete the Bird Scene!!!!"

I read it.

"I'll be ready by the end of class."

I say.

He continues teaching and I read the book

After Class

A/n:Ok guys idk the script so I will just make it up.

"Ok. Before we leave. Let's watch Sam's Bird Scene!!!"

I go on stage.

"It was the year 1999. I sat aline in my cottage. Lonely. Alone. Afraid. I turn to my little bird and said 'Bird, you have wings! You can fly away! Freedom!'. The next day it came true. He was gone."

I looked a everyone


Everyone is quiet


"It was horrible."


"It sucked like steppin' on a lego Puckett." Rex says

"Watch it puppet."

"Sorry Sam. You gott re do it tomorrow."

I looked confused and walked of stage to get my bag and wheeled Cat out when Rex came.

"Like a lego."

I look at him.

"How bout I staple his lips and took his hand out cha back?"

Robbie and Rex run away.

"Puppet got beat. Puckett style."

Next day

Everyone stepped in and I got ready.

"Ok. For today we will learn to act despite the audience who throws food at you. But first. Samantha--"

"I'll shoot ya."

"Sam Puckett's second attempt for 'The Bird Scene'!!"

I get on stage.


I got a toy bird on tge table and put on fake glasses.

"It was the year 1999. I sat aline in my cottage. Lonely. Alone. Afraid. I turn to my little bird and said 'Bird, you have wings! You can fly away! Freedom!'. The next day it came true. He was gone."

I threw it oit the window.


"It. Was. The worst play ever!" Sikowitz said

I took my rib-bone-nunchucks and was about to hit him when Cat stopped me.

"Sam! Put the weapon down!!"

"Arghh." I put it back "What did I do wrong?!"

Everyone left the room except for Cat (wheelchair)


"I'm sorry Sam but I can't!!!"

"I'll get you bibble."

"BIBBLE!!!! No! Sorry Sam..."

I groaned and wheeled her out to the next class.

5 Days later

This has tp be right!

I got everythibg ready.

I was behind curtains and Sikopath has his coconuts.


"It was the year 1999. I sat aline in my cottage. Lonely. Alone. Afraid. I turn to my little bird and said 'Bird, you have wings! You can fly away! Freedom!'. The next day it came true. He was gone."

A bird flew in during the scene. And at the end flew away.

I ended.

I lifted my head.


"So what?"

"My scene!"

"Merh. Not good."

"WHAT?! NOT GOOD?! I had to actually WORK on this and I hate that! You are saying that it's not good?! I got a stupid bird to fly in!"

The bird flies in.

"ARGHHHHHH!!!!" I yell in the face of the bird and it flew out.

"Sorry Sam. You have to try again"

That was the last straw

I grabbed my 'glasses' and threw it o tr floor and ripped of my olf fashioned hat.

"LOOK! I don't care at ALL what you think. I did good and I know it! So all of you shut up cause I know how well I did."

Everyone was silent.

The Beck starts clapping.

Then Vega

Then West





Then the while class.

"You PASS!"


He explains about the Bird Scene.

"Oh. So all this time. I wwas good?"

"Oh no not at all."

He says with sarcasm and I punch him.

Well. I'm happy! I survived the Bird Scene! WHOO HOOOO!!!

New Student (Sam and Cat, iCarly, Victorious, Seddie)Where stories live. Discover now