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The arrival of Blake Edwards doesn't seem to profit Bravefort as the town is gifted with yet another murder. Things get worst as Edwards arrived at the scene without giving any sign of his occupation which ignites a misunderstanding between him and a constable Larry, however they both soon get acquainted and Larry briefs Edwards about Bravefort's past.


It was almost nightfall, when the duo reached Mary's. The house felt even more harrowing as darkness fell upon it. The inspection team had already wrapped up their investigation and left by the time they arrived, but for solving a crime so puzzling there ought to be a parallel and a more insight exploration of the murder site and Blake was quite aware of it. 

"Looks like we are on our own now" Blake indicated with a grin as he moved forward and pushed the door, to Mary's residence, open. The rain had completely ruptured the door and the wood had swollen to an extent where a slight push meant a deafening noise.
"I don't think it's a wise move to break in like that Sir" Larry suggested with a nervous smile as he followed Blake inside Mary's abode. Blake ignored Larry and kept walking down the aisle that led to the living room where Mary lied cold. There was no significant changes made in the room after Blake and Larry last saw it, only Mary's body was shifted to the morgue for further investigation. Blake stopped right beside the spot where the body was found. He kept staring the region with curiosity going through the blood stains, the edges of the area where the body sprawled and footings of the sofas and the chairs that'd surrounded the carcass. Larry remained silent all that while trying to build up an image of how Blake might be picturing the chain of events. He stood behind him to get a more clear vision of his doings but it was getting darker by every moment and an explanation became vital.
"Aren't you going to share your perusals?" Larry inquired in a highly persuasive tone.
"Larry my friend, if there's one thing I've learned in the crime business it's never to trust anyone with your perusals" Blake glanced at Larry with a smile and returned to the floor to resume his observations.
"How can he not trust me?" Larry protested inside his head. He moved back to roam around the room and carry out his own parallel inspection with intention of instigating Blake curiosity but he seldom paid him any heed and continued to look at the edges even more closely. It was way past dusk, all the eyes could see was darkness that stretched across the entire house. Larry lighted up a candle and placed it on top of the table on the adjacent wall. He found Blake dusting off a sofa that had once surrounded dead Mary,
"Sir I think you shouldn't do that. We might find something of use from these sofas" he was pretty sure his suggestion had pulled off a reaction from Blake but he couldn't saw what it was in the dimness of the candle. As soon as he was done with the dusting, Blake threw himself on the sofa and lighted up a cigarette.
"I assume you've an explanation you could share" Larry said as he moved forward and sat beside Blake on the dusted sofa.
"You go first" Blake insisted staring into space that lay ahead.
"Well there's nothing to explain. We've already searched the entire place and found nothing"
"You don't expect a murderer to lay down clues for you?" Blake quizzed elevating his brows which was merely done to question Larry's instincts. He went back at goggling into the expanse that stretched upfront giving Larry some space to form a more legitimate argument.
"Alright so what did you figure out after shoving your face in that floor all that while" Larry protested sarcastically in a manner that struck Blake to be exceedingly queer, however he bursted into laughter witnessing an entirely opposite side of his partner.
"You want to know what I've found right." Blake demanded in a light tone. Larry nodded.
"Alright let us lay down the facts that we knew for sure. First, the victim's demise was due to a very steady cut on her throat that clearly indicates this to be a work of a professional. Second, there were no signs of struggle on the victim's body showing her acquaintance with the culprit. Third, the murder took place before Wednesday and we've found the body today that is Friday. This ought to have given the culprit enough time to wander off wherever he thought was safer." Blake paused, giving Larry a go to express his opinion on the matter.
"What about the rumours that connects Mary with Drake Belfonni?" Larry asked with baffled look on his face.
"Well had it been 'The Driller' we would've discussed temples instead of throats" Blake replied sarcastically.
"He could've hired someone to do his dirty work. Contract killers are everywhere here in Bravefort"
"It is possible, however Belfonni doesn't strike me as man who would use someone's help to end his foes. After all what does he have to fear in Bravefort? He has the men, the government, the arms and the money"
Larry nodded in agreement but he still couldn't think of any possible reason why Blake wouldn't tell him what he'd found in his inspections.
"So that's it? That's what you figured out after staring all that while at those stains and those footings?"
"This isn't a Conan Doyle's novel Larry and I'm no Sherlock Holmes with superhuman abilities to solve a crime with just one stare" Blake sounded frustrated and Larry realized that he shouldn't keep his expectations sky rocket after all it was his first day in Bravefort.
"My apologies Sir" Larry spoke quietly.
"What do you think might've happened here" Blake enquired tilting his head to discern Larry's facial expressions.
Larry wasn't sure what he thought may or may not have happened but there was no harm in making a harmless hunch.
"What if the culprit wasn't an acquaintance?" Larry argued
"Meaning?" asked Blake still doubting the credibility of Larry's opinion.
"Apart from acquaintances there are people who we let into our houses and with whom we interact on daily basis, like the postman, a government official or a..." He paused for a while and Blake realized it was eureka moment, "A Police officer" Blake smiled which was a gesture of his appreciation.
"Smart analysis there Larry. Sheer Brilliance" Blake patted on Larry's should and resumed gawking into space with one hand folded and other resting on his chin.
"You know what" Blake began after a long pause. Larry who was lost in his own contemplations, twisted his head to listen what Blake had in mind.
"It all makes sense now" Blake began.
"Drake Belfonni has the most influence over Police in this town. He would've thought killing his own would make his people lose faith in him and the loyalty he expects from his men would be compromised so he hired someone, and who would be better than a policeman himself."
"But why would he want to kill Mary?" Larry asked with a queer guise.
"Maybe she had some kind of disagreement with that piece of crap" Blake pointed out but it didn't seem to satisfy Larry.
"Well I think it's more than that. She could be having an affair with Belfonni." Blake nodded in agreement, "That's possible but whatever the reason is all this leads to Belfonni"
"I don't know what that son of a bitch wants" Larry said angrily
"Well I guess we've to find out then" Blake grinned.
"But still sir haven't this town bled enough already that this insane animal wants to deteriorate it more" Blake felt disappointment in Larry's tone. He knew anything he says won't console him, hence he remained silent. Blake stood up and shed a peek out of the window and to his surprise it was darker than he'd anticipated.
"Looks like it's time to move Larry" Blake suggested causing Larry to move up and repeat the gesture. He was surprised too but his reaction was a slight nod. Blake struggled to find his way in the feeble candle light. He moved across the sofas and strolled slowly towards the aisle. Larry, in order to avoid breaking anything, followed Blake slowly. As soon as the duo exited Mary's house Blake lighted a cigarette and stretched his arms to offer his partner a smoke.
"I don't think I should partake" Larry spoke hesitantly
"A little smoke won't give you bronchitis for Christ sake" sarcasm was all over Blake's response.
"My wife doesn't approve smoking. Her father died of tuberculosis" Larry added causing Blake to chuckle involuntary.
"Well as you wish" Blake shoved the packet inside his pant's pocket and both of them started walking down the street.
"So what's next?" Larry enquired looking down at his shoes.
"Well we need to pay a visit to this Belfonni guy" Blake announced, "But first we need to deal with the pawn." Larry looked at Blake, he had some idea of who was being discussed but he needed something a bit more substantial, "Who?" he demanded.
"Campton" Blake declared. Larry smiled. 



The entire Police Department is disturbed withthe latest alliance of Edwards and Larry which somehow brings about a concernfor Larry as his reputation as an unbiased employee of the British Empire andher majesty is compromised.
Blake Edwards, on the other hand, finally meets the Chief of Bravefort PoliceCampton white but things took an unexpected turn.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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