Wasabi X Reader ~ Cut it ~ Part 1

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Note:Sorry if the parts are small and sorry for grammar or anything else. Enjoy!

"She's coming back!!!" Wasabi shouted as he entered the University. GoGo looked at Wasabi and smirk.
" Who told you?" She asked with the smirk still one her face. Wasabi turned around and saw her expression.
" Wait, you knew it?"
" Yes, I learned it, like, a week ago."
" Whaaaat??" Wasabi was surpised that GoGo knew what he was talking about." Who told you?" He asked her with a hint of a huge amount of curiosity.
" We were talking on the phone and she told me everything."


You finally were heading back from Australia to your homeland; you were there about three years. You were happy to be able to go back to your family and friends. Your studies in Australia made you improve your abilities on your favourite thing, Technology. After that, you decided that it would be a wonderful thing to go back to your old university. You were advanced when you were younger, that's why you went to the university earlier than the other kids but after some time you stopped improving yourself and went to Australia to move on.

~End of the Explanation~

Honey Lemon, Fred and Tadashi had no cleu of what was going on.
" Umm... guys?" Fred started but GoGo and Wasabi ignored him.

" Why didn't you said anything to me?"
" She asked me to keep it as a secret."
" But why?"
" She wanted to make a surprise."
The others were looking at each other like idiots that didn't knew anything.
"GUYS!!" Yelled Fred making everyone look at him." WHAT OR WHO IS COMING?" Wasabi blinked a few times and then replied shouting and throwing his hands in the air.
"NO, I AM NOT!!!"

Honey Lemon, Tadashi and GoGo were watching at the two fools yell. Annoyed by that Tadashi threw his head back.
" Stop shouting" He said with a serious expression on his face.
" WE AREN'T YELLING " Yelled Fred. Those words made Fred receive some glares. He then awkwardly laughed at himself and apologised.

Time skipped, Wasabi, Fred and Honey Lemon were talking about their memories with you in the past. Wasabi had more memories than anyone else. Honey Lemon, listening very carefully Wasabi's stories, figured out that you two had to many romantic moments in your lifes and were curious if you had feelings for each other.

GoGo and Tadashi had went to pick you from the airport.

^At the Taxi^

" I missed you very much. I can't wait to see the others again."
" Well, its have been a while..." Said Tadashi and smiled at you.
" A while? It's have been three years. That's to much for me." You start to shouting and moving your hands randomly in the air. You three were laughing at you actions and discussing Tadashi's invention ( Baymax ).

The taxi stopped in front of the University. You stepped out of the taxi and looked up at it.
" It haven't changed at all. The same beautiful old building." You let out a long sigh of relief. It was awesome to be back at your old University. You lowered your head and saw some of your old friends from the University running and waving at your direction.

After talking with them for a bit, you, GoGo and Tadashi entered the building, where Honey Lemon, Fred and Wasabi were waiting for you to come.

You finally were in front of the door. You turned a bit your head to look at GoGo and Tadashi. They both smiled at you and you did the same for a reply.  

To be continued...

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