Wasabi X Reader ~ Cut it ~ Part 4

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  You, walking beside Wasabi, start to blush. You wanted to tell him so badly that you loved him but fear was taking over you. You stole a glance from him and saw him walking proudly and with lifted head. He was so handsome and it was like he was shining in front of your eyes.

Wasabi noticed you and turned his head smiling. You got redder than before and looked away.
"...S-Sorry" You mumbled and looked down while playing with the end of your shirt. Wasabi chuckled and put his hand on your shoulder.
" Why are you apologesing?" You looked back at him with a puzzled expression.
" For staring...?" The only reply you received from him was another chuckle.

You, now standind in front his personal lab, start to feel excitment getting all over you.
"Does it teleport things?" You asked him, ready to see something awesome.
"No, but it cuts things ..." Silence filled the hall. Nervousness took all over Wasabi. He thought that you were disappointed of him until he heard your soft voice.
"...Wow" You said in a low voice and looked directly in Wasabi's eyes. " You're awesome! " You said little bit louder. Your words surprised the brunette guy you liked so much and made him blush. You also blushed when you realized what caused your friend blush. He coughed two times and opened the door to his lab.

There was the machine. You made a step and a hand stopped your track.
"Be very careful, you can get hurt in here very easy. Follow me, for your safety." You nodded and followed him.

Suddenly he stopped and you bumped with your face on his back. He chuckled and turned around to face you.
"You OK? " You smiling nodded to him. He smiled back and put his hand on your shoulder. "Don't move, OK?"
"OK!" You said happily.

He walked towards his machine but not directly, he made a full circle to go near it. You looked at him like he was an alien. Wasabi took an eraser and said with a hint of excitement.
"Catch!" You took ready to catch it. He through it forward you but it was but in thin pieces; you stood there shoched. Suddenly, excitement took all over you and you run safely to him for a hug.

The moment you hugged him your phone rang.
'Not again. Why is this happening every time?' Wasabi questioned himself inside his mind and he felt the need to grab your phone and throught it towards his invention, so it could be cutted; but he didnt do it.

On the other hand you were so angry with your phone that you didn't notice Wasabi's angry facial expression; you were focused on yours. You pulled it out of your pocket and gave it to Wasabi. He looked at you confused but you only smiled and looked at his machine.

Suddenly it hit him. You wanted him to cut your phone. The thought of you having the ability to read his mind creeped him out but he like the fact that you wanted to do the same as him.

A smirk appeared on his face once again and he send the phone flying towards the machine.

There it was. The iPhone you bought a year ago was now in pieces, but you didn't care because there were, also, you and him. You looked at your phone and then at Wasabi. You smiled to each other and quickly embraced each other.

"You know, I... Um... wanted to ask you something..." You heard Wasabi's voice near your ear. You only Hmm-ed. " Well I was wondering if you want... you know... to go with me... to buy some things..." He said while backing away from your embrace and rubbing the back of his neck. You looked at him smirking and leaned closer to him.
" Is this a date?" You asked him, your nose touching his. He looked in your ( e/c) eyes and automatically leaned in. He kissed you as gently as he could but you wanted him to kiss you passionatly, that's why you bit his lip. After that he became rough with you; and you liked it. You pulled back and looked deep in his eyes. "Well?"
He looked at you and kindly smiled.
" Yes. I'll pick you at 7:00 tomorrow. " You nodded and once again you two melted in a passionate kiss.


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