Wasabi X Reader ~ Cut it ~ Part 2

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  Opening the door you saw a huge sign in frond of you and a smile appeared on your face. When you red what was wroten on the sign the smile you had before, start to get bigger. Not knowing why, tears fell from your eyes; maybe because of the happiness and the warmth you felt in your heart.

You start to walk toward the sign. The huge letters on it were painted orange.
" (Y/N)!!!" You heard three familiar voices calling your name from behind you. It's them. You immediately turned fully around to face your three friends. A laughter escaped from your mouth when you saw them running like crazy children after an ice cream track. GoGo and Tadashi also laughed along with you.

Fred hugged you first since he was in front of the other two. You immediately hugged him back tightly, causing Fred to choke. When you noticed it you let him go.
" Wow... you really have grown stong" Said Fred rubbing his neck.
" Sorry about that... are hurt?" You said worried. You were having special training the past two years so it wouldn't have been a surpise if you would have killed him.
" No, I'm fine" I sigh of relief was heard from you but it was quickly interrupted by the tight hug Honey Lemon had gave you. Now it was your turn to choke.

" (Y/N), why didn't you call me? Did something happened and now you hate me? Did you found new friends and forgot about us?" She said tightening her embrace more and more. You couldn't speak from the lack of air.
" Ummm... Honey Lemon, I think she is choking." Said GoGo pointing at you semi pale face. She immediately let you go, grabbed you from your shoulders and start to shake you.
" Omg, are you ok? Can you breath?" She asked you and after a minute stopped shaking you. You were now feeling dizzy.
" I think that she will through out" Tadashi added.
" N-No... I am fine." You were ready to fall after your sentence but Fred luckily catch you from behind.
" You sure?"
" Uh... Yeah. I'll be fine in a second." You stood on your feet again and thanked Fred for catching you.

You then finally turned to face Wasabi. You had missed him very much. You walked toward him and hugged him. He smiled and immediately hugged back. After some seconds you both pulled back and looked at each other. His eyes were shining like stars along with yours.

" Sooo..." started GoGo." How was your life there, (Y/N)?" You immediately looked at her while crossing your hands.
" Well..."  

To be continued...

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