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Chul has always mentioned his uncle Yoongi, who is his hero, because he's out there protecting the world and catching bad guys as he says, he always tells Hoseok that he wants to be like him someday. Hoseok eagerly listens to the child's stories and smiles at how much he loves his guardian.

Hoseok grows fond of the child and also somewhat admiration for the said uncle.

Yoongi goes to pick up his nephew and introduces himself to the lovely teacher.
"Hello, i'm Chul's uncle, Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you." gives him a small smile while offering his hand.
"Nice to meet you too, i am his teacher. my name is Jung Hoseok." he says while taking the other man's hand.

They talk a for awhile, while the child plays in the playground with his friends, they chatter with an occasional glance going his way to see if he's still enjoying.

They firstly talk about the child and how he was doing,
praises come out of Hoseok's mouth, telling Yoongi how bright Chul is and how he has a lot of potential.
Yoongi smiles at this saying to himself how maybe he's not doing so bad.

Hoseok also mentions how he deeply idolizes his uncle Yoongi and how it's just pure adoration.
He also compliments Yoongi for how well he raised the child and alone at that, being a police officer and all. Just balancing everything must be really hard.
Yoongi sighs in agreement but gives out a small smile saying but he wouldn't have it any other way, which earns a bright smile from the other.

They talk a bit more, and Hoseok mentions that career week will be in the following week and that he would greatly appreciate, though understand if he couldn't with that busy schedule of his, if Yoongi could come and tell the children about his work.
Yoongi thinks about it and agrees saying it was the least he could do for the great teacher and of course the children.

The next week rolls in and Yoongi finds himself parking the car at the school's parking lot. He takes a deep sigh telling himself it's just a small demo for the students but something about small children makes him nervous opposed to the criminals he interrogates.

He walks inside and looks for the class room, he manages to find it just in time to see Mr. Jung outside greeting the other parents who have came to show their line of work.
Hoseok quickly sees him and excuses himself to the others.

"Officer Min! I'm glad you made it just in time." the teacher says, giving him a warm smile in which Yoongi tries to return.
Hoseok senses that Yoongi is a bit tense, probably nervous.
He proceeds to tell him that he'll be going last and gives him a reassuring smile before they head inside the classroom.

Yoongi sees his nephew glancing around until his eyes finally land on his guardian, he gives Yoongi a big smile showing his baby teeth, Yoongi couldn't help but ease just because he saw his nephew's bright smile.

A few parents later, it is now Yoongi's turn to tell the kids about his occupation.
He first tells them a bit of how he got into police work in the first place, how he strived for his ambition and so, giving the kids some words of inspiration to decide their future aspirations, though he knows they're still a bit young to actually decide that.

He then asks them if they have any questions to ask him, a few children raise their hands and he picks, he listens to the questions and answers them the best way he can.

For the last question, a child ask him if he had any handcuffs like they do in the movies, he can't help but chuckle at this and says of course he does then proceeds to pull them out of his pocket. he hears a mix of ooohs and aaahs from the children, clearly amazed by the piece of metal they see before their eyes. he shows it them and says they can pass it around for awhile.
He sees Hoseok on the side of the classroom giving him a thumbs up saying he's doing great, he smiles at this.

The handcuffs are handed back to him and the children say they wanna see it like how they see it on tv, meaning they wanted yoongi to cuff someone up.
Yoongi refused and said he can't do that, also he there wouldn't be anyone to cuff. But the children kept coaxing him so he eventually gave in and put on one of the two on his wrist, the children then said it had to be two, Yoongi said he couldn't cuff both his hands to the children.
One of the children suggested why not try it on Mr. Jung? in which the others agreed, they deeply disagree on the statement at first but the two adults who were outnumbered by all these small persistent children eventually gave in, so they were now handcuffed to each other.

The children seem to be happy at this, so Hoseok decided to end the demonstration now, since it is already time for lunch time.
The bell rings and the children all scurry on their way to the cafeteria almost missing Mr. Jung telling them to be careful and eat well.

Now left alone, still cuffed to each other, the two laugh at the hyperactive children.

Hoseok thanks for doing this and that Yoongi did very well, Yoongi smiles and says it was nothing.

Almost forgetting they were cuffed to each other, laughing at that fact that they did kind of forget, Hoseok then asks Yoongi to please free their wrists from the restraint.

Yoongi reaches into the pocket of his uniform, feeling for the key but is surprised to it not being there, he then checks again but still no avail, he checks all of his pockets and them finally sighs, looks apologetically to the teacher and says,

"i am so sorry, i think i forgot the key..."

so that's it lol
that's all i came up with.
i could do a part two but idk
if i can actually pull it off.
but if y'all want a continuation,
tell me and maybe i can work on it.

thank you for reading,
hope you enjoyed.
leave me your thoughts
in the comments :)

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