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"W-what??" Hoseok stutterers out the reply, looking at man to see if there was a hint of humor in his face.
Unfortunately he can clearly see the seriousness in the officer's face.

"I'm sorry, I forgot the key to unlock these handcuffs...."

"But how?? How can you forget such an important thing?!" Hoseok says a bit frantically, thinking 'how can this happen to him.'

Yoongi sighs once again, then rubbing his face with his free hand, clearly quite annoyed at himself for forgetting such an important thing.

"I'm really sorry. I was just really nervous about today and it slipped my mind.." He trails off looking at his shoes, like an embarrassed kid.

Hoseok looks at the man cuffed to him and sighs. Talking further about how the officer forgot won't help their situation at all.

"So how do we deal with this then?" The teacher asks.

"Um, well.. We need to go to the station.." Yoongi tells him sheepishly.

"But i still have a class to attend to!" Hoseok quickly exclaims after hearing what the officer said.

"I know, I know. But there's no other way." Yoongi says with a sigh, mostly about how stupid he thinks he is.

Hoseok also sighs, he's got no other choice. He nods and tells the officer that he has to ask permission from the principal first.
Yoongi nods at this and quickly follows out the door on to the corridor, heading to the said principals office.

All Hoseok thinks about on the way their is how he'll explain how he got into this situation to his boss.

After a lot of explaining, the principal finally told him that he will just send someone to substitute until he gets back.

° ° °

They were now on their way to the station.

Silence filled the car, the only noise that can be heard is from the vehicle itself.

Yoongi can see Hoseok's leg unconsciously bouncing on it's own out of anxiousness, he feels the need to say something but he doesn't really know what to say so he just focuses on getting to the station faster. (but of course still within speed limit.)

After a few minutes they finally arrived.

Now all they need to figure out is how to get out of the car, getting in was hard enough but Yoongi's sure they can do this.

"Okay, so how about I go out from my side and you follow. Is that okay with you? Can you do that?" Yoongi suggests.

Hoseok thinks about it first, nods and says, "Uh, yeah I think I can."

"Okay, How about you crouch in your seat while I open the door and get out but I'll keep my arm stretched out so we don't hurt our wrists, yeah?"

"Okay," Hoseok says and proceeds to do as told.

Yoongi then opens the door, he slips out off his seat and places his feet on the pavement.

"Now, let's get you out."

He reaches for the teachers hand to help him up, he slowly lifts himself up being careful not to hit his head on the roof of the car. He puts his right foot onto the driver's seat first then he tries to do it with the left but unfortunately his other foot got caught onto something,
Hoseok closes his eyes and waits for the impact of his fall but instead what he hears is a grunt below him. He think 'huh??' until he opens his eyes and sees the face of the man (whom he somewhat forgotten yet again) that he is handcuffed with.

Hoseok looks at the face of the man infront of him, he had his tiny eyes closed which he guessed because also of the impact of their fall. He sees the small details of the man's fair face up close, he's somewhat envious but in awe of how flawless the man actually is.

Looking for a bit more, Hoseok finally comes to his senses when he sees those beautiful brown irises come into his view, he then finally realizes that the officer broke his fall and that he is indeed on top of him, crushing his figure.

He quickly tries to scramble up but fails because of the restraint. He falls on to the other man again earning another grunt.

Hoseok feels his face heat up as he stutters out an apology.

"It's fine. I'm a strong man, this is nothing to what i usually deal with." He said with a slight strain.

"Still, I'm really sorry. It's just that my foot got caught and the next thing I know this happens..." The teacher trails off, avoiding eye contact.

The officer finds how the teacher's face somehow resembles a tomato, cute as one says. "Shall we get up now?" The officer suggests with humor in his voice.

"Oh, uh, yes. Of course!" The teacher quickly exclaims cursing himself internally for being so awkward.

They both stand up with the help of each other and dust themselves off.

"Now, shall we get ourselves unlock Mr. Jung?" The police officer says with a slight smile and eyes twinkling with humor.

° ° °

"Finally free!" Hoseok says whilst rubbing his writs that has a slight mark from the restraint earlier.

Yoongi laughs at this and says, "Yes, finally free."

° ° °

Yoongi is now driving Hoseok back to the school, silence still fills the car but rather than the awkward one earlier, it's a kind of comfortable one right now.

He looks to the man beside him, that was sitting comfortably and patiently waiting for their arrival at the destination as opposed to how he was earlier in the same vehicle.

He school comes into view and he opens his mouth to say something,

"I'm really sorry, again, about the mishap earlier." Yoongi says eyes still on the road.

Hoseok let's out a slight snort that Yoongi thinks he wasn't supposed to hear but still did.

"It's fine now, I'm over it to be honest. It's quite funny now that I do think about it." And he chuckles a bit.

"Yeah, it kinda is." Yoongi says, with humor.

He parks the car and unlocks the door. The teacher was about to go out the door when the officer said something,

"Wait!" The officer exclaims a little louder than intended. "Um..."

The teacher looks at him and quirks an eyebrow questioningly.

"Well, uh..." The officer tries to say it but he isn't good with these type of things.

"What is it, Officer Min?" Hoseok asks.

"Well, I just.. Would you like to have dinner some time?" Yoongi says awkwardly. "As a way to apologize and express my gratitude, of course." He quickly adds.

After a short pause Hoseok finally replies, "Okay." with a smile.

"Okay, then." Yoongi says with a grin.

• • •
so i finally came thru with a part 2.
I'm v lowkey proud of myself.
I didn't edit it much though tbh.
Anyway, That is the end. I dont think I can do anymore or if I do, it won't be a continuation of where I left off.
Hopefully y'all like it.
Thanks for reading. x

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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