Chapter 2 (Part 2). Why are you here?

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L.A, Hope Enterprises Holdings

I ran as fast as my 3 inch heels would let me, nearly bumping Johnny on the way to my office.

"Sorry" I huffed, while trying to regain my breathing. "I know I'm late but traffic was a bitch".

"Okay, fine, fine. But your 3 o clock is in your office"

"Okay, that's fine. Have you served he or she with coffee or tea"

"Yeah, but you the guy he's... you know what we'll speak later. Oh and don't forget movie night" Johnny looked at me with a suspicious grin with his green eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about movie night but we'll discuss details later"

All the while making my into my office ready to start the my day with a great meeting. I was meeting a man named Thomas Wills a new star on the rise and a great bio engineer. I had heard whispers about a project he was working on. He had supposedly created a serum designed to turn humans into super soldiers, I was interested in meeting a man who could do that and invest in something that could benefit us both. Upon hearing that I was meeting with Mr Wills, Alex and the others had ganged up on me to tell me what a dangerous mistake I was making and wouldn't let it up until I agreed that Alex could be in the room but out of sights for our guest. Even though The Council had dismantled years ago we-the elite still maintained our powers years later. How? Is a question we all badly want answered.

I entered my rather large, spacious office. I had a wall of glass to the rear of my office and the other three painted a cream colour. In front of the glass wall I had my large dark wood desk placed with visitor chairs. Behind my desk chair stood Alex unknown to our guest who occupied one of the two chairs in front of my desk.

The man looked familiar, a man Alex instantly took a great dislike to or hate. Alex glanced up at me with shadowed eyes that apologised to me. I wanted to ask questions but I knew they could wait after the meeting that I hoped would be good but now dreaded.

The man Thomas Willis turned around and gave me a dazzling smile while mine faltered. "Hello baby girl, how've you been?"

The man was my biological father. The man who swore to protect me even when I was in the wrong, the man who lied to me and sided with lies rather than the truth. I felt overwhelmed with emotions, ones I had worked hard to lock up for 18 years. Everything seemed so far away and distant, there was a ringing in my ears that rang loud and clear, my breathing had become deeper and my heart was beating erratically.

Thomas Willis was an allies my biological father often used when he wanted to stay off the grid. I was so stupid, I should've realised instantly rather than having to go through this bullshit meeting. I hated lies. Too many times... all it ever did was break my heart to unrepairable pieces. Years had me cold, distant but loyal to family. Something my biological family would never understand the meaning. If they could turn there back on there daughter, how could they ever be loyal to family?

"What are you doing here and don't call me affections, you don't have that right." I hissed out my eyes identical to his glowed a sure sigh my primal side was coming out.

"I know, I know. I don't deserve anything from you but I love you. You're my daughter, my baby and yes I should've protected you better. Believed in you. Sorry could never amount to anything but I have a warning for you and I hope maybe we can make the journey of healing together."

His eyes glassy from unshed tears and years of mistrust and hate hanged between us. I would never admit out loud that I loved this man very much and wanted nothing more than to give into his demand. So many years, I'd been broken but my father could help. Right?

"I don't care, I don't want to hear any thing from you! Get out!"

"No! Stop being childish, this is important"





"Well tell me I'm practically dying to know." Sarcasm practically dripped out my mouth.

"Owning up to your mistakes, can be difficult but necessary. All these lost years, we have so much to make up for". I stared at my father, I felt years older and wiser. Family, no matter what should always have your back. The betrayal still burned deep, seeing him here was gaping the wound wider.

"I came here to warn you, Dominic is in town. He'll seek you out sooner than later, he still loves you and he wants you back. You know he won't stop until he has you."
"He should be lucky that I didn't rip his throat out. That would have been satisfying. "
He walked closer to me, his hand coming to touch me. I looked at him disgusted and backed away.
"Don't ever, touch me. You're dead to me, I don't need no favours from the likes of you. I hate you. Don't come here again."
I watched his lithe form waking towards the door. "I'll always love you, you're my baby. I may have failed you then, but now...nothing will stop from protecting you like I should have done years ago.
Tears blurred my vision, while Alex materialised. I was safe and loved, my home was here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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