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-Nathaniel where are you? Come here, people will arrive any minute now.
He was obviously inside the closet of his unfinished room, we will paint it tomorrow.
-I don't want to
-Come on Nate, get out of there boy
-Why? Why not sweetie?
-Because you will make me get a bath
-Fine, don't take a bath then, too bad I was going to teach you how to make bubbles
He got out of the closet and came running to me, I picked him up and took him to the bathroom, I helped him get inside the bathtub and helped him wash his hair.

I helped him dress up in a white shirt which I buttoned up for him and some black pants, I helped him with the socks and shoes. Joey took care of his hair while I went downstairs to talk with some of the people that arrived.


Nathaniel kept asking if James was here but I told him he was back at his town because of his school, he hugged me tight and began to cry saying he missed James. I tried to calm him down while walking from one side to the other side of the room.

-Nate, it's alright, shh, Nate come on stop crying boy, how about we go downstairs uh?

-I don't wanna go

-No? There are so many people waiting downstairs for you, they would be sad if you didn't go

-I don't wanna

-Let's go come on sweetie

He began to kick me while sobbing, I tried to stop him but he was making an scene.

-Nate! hey, stop it right now you hear me? No more kicking daddy or you want to go to the chair?


Daniel came upstairs running and looked at me worried, he helped me convince Nathaniel to go downstairs.

-Alright, everyone please, this is Nathaniel! 

A bunch of people cheered and got close to Nathaniel with hugs and kisses and questions which made him scared so he hid behind my leg but Shane picked him up...turned out to not be a good idea due Nathaniel began to yell to me and Daniel to pick him from Shane's arms.

-It's okay sweetie, it's okay, this is your daddy's friend Shane, it's okay

But he kept crying and sobbing and I finally picked him from Shane's arms immediately feeling sorry for doing so but Shane said it was alright.

We sat down to eat and Nathaniel was still attached to my arms not wanting to let go anytime soon. Maybe he has issues with distance? Maybe something happened to him in the past?

Once the dinner was over and everyone was gone we changed Nathaniel's clothes and took an onesie from the closet.

Since the room was unfinished and the paint was still a bit toxic we decided to let him sleep with us for the night. Daniel lied him in the middle of us and told him a bedtime story while I brushed my teeth in the bathroom.

-Alright goodnight sweetie, sleep tight alright?

We fell asleep minutes later. 

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