Chapter 1

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               I'm 18 my name is Sophia I was your average teenage girl, in till one ring changed my life  forever. It was a sunny morning  I was going to school on my bike; when suddenly I  saw a street full of limo zines, my heart started beating immediately. I knew who it was I loved him for half my life and quietly admired him from afar and when I came on the school campus I saw the cutest boy come out of the limo then in a heart beat all the girls ran to the limousine and that second a lot of body guard's came and made a circle around the prince and when I saw him i fell in love with him over again but I just went in the school because I didn't want to seem like those crazy fan girls, the prince's friends were waiting for him, their cute to but not as fine as Liam i didn't have them in my classes thank god I hate those spoiled little brats good thing they were studying in the A building I study in the B building there are 3 buildings at my school A(Film) B (Art) C (Dance) Liam's Friends were Jake and Chase they were the second richest kids at my school, I hate them so much cause there just womanizers and scale girls all the time so if i ever saw them face to face ill give them a conceited  face and walk away.

        They were both rich and were hairs of their families companies the 2 biggest companies in L.A so it was in the morning and i had first period i hated that class more than ever especially the teacher when she talks OMG its like the water works so i just started drowning in her words and slowly all i can see was him, so tall and had the best smile and the best body don't even get me started, most girls want a guy that can hold an umbrella over their head&carry them over puddles, i want a guy who would steel my umbrella jump in puddles just to splash me and kiss me before i could yell at him. And because the classes were in buildings i could just look down and look at Liam and his friends hanging out and just fell in love with him again like it was the first. And i was so busy daydreaming my teacher called me like 5 times and i didn't even hear her but to be honest I didn't really care and then someone came and said Sophia , Sophia and then I felt a shake that shacked me out of my day dream I slowly turned around and saw Jasmine laughing and crying she cries for the stupidest reasons everyone has that one crazy friend in their class and Jasmine was the on in my class suddenly the worst thing happened  Ms. Judy Dell-fire came to were i was sitting and said with her annoying voice were you even listing Sophia, not really i said and then the the bell rang.

           I got in trouble when i was daydreaming earlier so I had to clean the floors at building (A) instead of cleaning the floors I was so tired and sat down for a couple of seconds wile I was laying down with the dirty water in my hands in the hallway I hear a Familiar sound of high heals and that sound was getting louder and louder and when I heard that sound it was my queue to run, I was not about to get caught and clean the boys restrooms p.s yes she was that evil, I don't really run but this was different the wind was going though my hair and I never felt so alive and as I was running I turned around to look if I lost her.

          !!BAM!! I felt that sudden wave of excitement leave my body and weakness emerge i ran into Liam and spilled the dirty water on his new shoes then I don't know why but I was on my knees cleaning his feet and apologizing then all of a sudden he grabbed my hands and picked me up and his face was so close to my face that i can feel him blink then I heard words i never expected to hear roll of his tongue like a second language and said WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID!!! Then the moment I heard those word all my chill left my body I never felt this way but to hear something so mean come from a person you love you would lose your cool too, I quickly said GET OFF OF ME!! he  didn't want to let go of me I never thought that he would be so strong I had to force him and I managed to escape, when our eyes met I felt a connection but I don't know if it was real or one of my crazy imagination but his eyes were as cold as night that I felt a cold breeze but they were as blue as the sea, he threw his shoes at me and said clean this and  the only thing that was going through  my mind was god he's so cute and if I kept on looking at his beautiful face i felt like I would fall in his blue eyes and go swimming, but then i started drowning and snapped out of it and yelled back stuttering for a minute H H HEY WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO TREAT SOMEONE WITH THAT ATTITUDE JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN YOUR MOUTH!!! that got his attention real quick and everyone in the hole school i just then realized that i was the first girl no the first person to scream and talk back at the crown prince i quickly covered my mouth i wasn't looking for drama and gossip so i turned my head and hoped i was in one of my dreams, boy was i wrong he grabbed my hand and said follow me  i was screaming and saying LET ME GO, LEAVE ME ALONE,CAN YOU HEAR.

            We finally came to a stop that felt like we were walking a mile he put me on the wall and i felt sudden rush of crazy butterflies he came close to me that i really felt him smile and he said wow congratulations your the first one to talk back and be rude than I snapped back your such a self center little piece of shh than before i could finish my sentence he kissed me I didn't know how what to feel (happy,exited,mad,confused,pissed,flattered,offended,) and he looked me in the eye and said don't talk back to me and if you do, man your expression is priceless and started laughing and if you talk back to me again that will happen and walked away and when he was walking he said oh and i wasn't born with a silver spoon it was a gold spoon I had enough I found my feeling about the kiss and i was PISSED so I got up and said LIAM!! STOP RIGHT THERE he saw the fire in my eyes and I forgot that everyone was watching but I ran caught up with him and went on my highest tippy toe and kissed him I was so scared but my butterflies flew away the moment I laid my lips on his lips I was surprised that he kissed back I got scared and I got down and said with on eyebrow up (serves you right) then walked away I will never forget the expression on his face

When i was going home i was confused and tired did I like him or did I love him and also wondering why Ms. Dell-fire didn't find me or she was headed some else i finally came to my front door i was saying to myself this crazy day is over i hate the crown prince he played with my feelings and I kind of did the same i will never see him again then when i opened the door to my to my house i found out that this day just got started i was so wrong you wouldn't believe the people who was at the door.

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