we're working on a project in biology and im in a group that i thought i would hate but i guess not they're pretty chill and we ended up being done with everything so i have alot of free time left. our project was about cells and we had to pick a cell we wanted to do so we picked the procaryotic and eukaryotic cell it was easy as fuuuuuuccccckkk all i had to do was look up the diagram of both cells and just label them s
my job was easy enough
idk what to do know cause i barely have any friends in my class other then shayna and she's chill as well at times
anyway i gots to go byyyyyyyeeeeeee my maples!!!!!!!
written by GodOfPancakes1
20 things about potatoes ( us )
Humorhere's 20 facts about us so you guys get to know us better! YAAAYY!!! @ 2015, Angelica + Andrea + Adrianna + Shayna (-killercupcakes), All Rights Reserved.