Chapter 2: Protection

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We went towards the path to the path to the Great Deku Tree. There was a lake with these interesting lilypad platforms to jump across the lake.
"These lilypads look like you can jump across them," Navi said informing Link.
"I guess I'll try it out," I said reluctantly.
I jumped on one and the lilypad sunk under me. Next thing I knew I was chest deep in the lake. The lake floor was covered with seaweed and it felt weird on my ankles. I jumped through the seaweed covered lake while other elves pointed and laughed. When I got to the edge and I crawled out of the mire. I looked up and I saw I was in front of me, the Kokiri's store that supplies tasty Deku Nuts that have a kick to each crunch. The store also supplied a Deku Shield, Deku Seeds, Deku Sticks, and well anything Deku, they have it.
I didn't want to go to the store so I just passed by it.
"Hey," a girl on top of the store yelled, "You got fairy now, it took you long enough."
"I was on my way to the Great Deku Tree until you stopped me Karie.", I said hastily.
"Your sopping wet, at least you can dry off before you get rejected by Peter," said Karie inviting him inside.
"I do need a shield, what can I do to get one, you know so I don't get 'rejected' by Peter," I said hopefully.
"My father, Cato, makes all the desicions in this business, I am just a pretty face," Karie said informatively.
I decided to go inside the doorless shop to enter into a dimly lit shop with fire highlighting the products available in the shop. The owner Cato was to short for the counter and had to jump up to see his customers.
"What brings you... here you... lazy boy?", huffs Cato from all the jumping.
"It seem he has fairy, papa, I think I'm oblimagated to something," says his dimwitted son Wally.
"I was here to get a shield, sir, nothing else," I said trying to be polite cause Cato because he doesn't like me that much.
"I like your... courtesy kid... but your gonna... have to pay... the thirty rupees... like everyone else," said Cato huffing and panting.
He then stopped for a bit to catch his breath.
"But if you can get me a stool I will give it to you for free," said Cato still catching his breath.
I was thinking where I can find a stool. Then it hit me I had a small chair at my home. That meant I to go through the lake again and climb up my ladder and get the seat. I was not to keen on doing that. I headed to the exit until I saw a paper nailed in the wall  next to the exit saying, 'winner of this year's obstacle course will get the Kokiri Sword: the sword that was only used by one Kokiri who left and never came back', 'so the blacksmith made a sword similar to that very sword', I thought to myself.
"Looks like you have a competition to win, Link.", Navi said observantly.
"Navi, our priority now is to get the shield, so let's go get that stool." I said focused and prepared.
I walk outside to see the lake still there. I turned to see the lake before me, 'last time I wanted to go across I was chest deep'. I took a deep breath and then I ran and leapt across each lilypad effortlessly. I was full of pride, seeing that I just leapt across the lilypads  successfully. Then I saw blocking my path a octopi with purple, sticky skin and eight slimy tentacles. It also has large yellow ears, also it had a mouth to it that shot rocks.
"This creature is called an Octorock, it would be easy to fight this with a shield, if you had one.", said Navi giving me info sarcastically.
"I know what it is but how do I avoid this creature," I said cautiously.
The Octorock turned around and looked me and then without hesitation, it shot a rock at me. I rolled out of the way so I didn't get hit by the beast. I then rolled passed it making a break for it. I grasped my ladder and walked up it hastily and without hesitation, I got up and went inside my house to see the chair or stool I was looking for. I picked it up and put it under my arm. I went outside to see if the Octorock was still there. The Octorock was moving towards the lake and made itself disappear in the seaweed. I then proceeded to my ladder and cautiously went down making sure I don't break my stool. I walked towards the lake catching my breath for the moment. Then out of the water pops the Octorock and it shot another rock at me. I rolled out of the way and then ran so I could go over the lilypads. A rock was about to hit me but I was saved by a root on the stump that part of the shop, which was then carved out of a stump. I walked inside tired and I had the stool under my hand.
"I got your stool, Cato.", I said breathing regularly now.
I put the stool on the counter and stepped back being polite as possible.
Cato put the stool behind the counter then he started to stand on it, then he said sighing deeply, "A deal's a deal here it is, your Deku Shield, you lazy boy."
"Don't tell anyone I did this for you cause I will deny it.", Cato said forewarning me.
I got the Deku Shield. I strapped the shield on my back in case I need it.
"Thank you, sir," I say walking out of the store. The sun is setting and the festivities were about to begin. I guess I have to get ready for the obstacle course, that I have to beat so I can pass Peter and talk to the Great Deku Tree.
"Link," Saria hollered from a distace, "come join us, Link, this is fun."
I saw Saria, and I guess I wanted to go so I replied, "be right there."
"Navi come on, we have to get the Kokiri Sword."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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