Chapter 10

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Adrien walked Marinette home that afternoon, keeping his arm around her shoulder the entire time.

"Would you like to come inside?" Marinette asked as they arrived.

"Sure," he smiled and they walked in.

"My parents are at some baking convention and won't be home for a few hours, we have the place to ourselves." she bit her lip, locking the bakery door.

"Oh, that's cool." he shrugged and smiled.

She led him to the upper level. "What do you want to do?" She asked.

"I don't really care, maybe play some video games?" He answered

"Okay!" She giggled and turned on her gaming system and put in her favorite game.

Adrien sat down on the couch. Marinette handed him a controller and sat next to him.

They played together for ages, just enjoying each other's company.

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