Chapter 16

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Adrien ran back to the bakery as fast as he could, going inside and up to the rooftop. He saw Chloé was waiting for him.

She smiled at him, "Adrikins! You're here!"

He frowned at her, "Chloé.. Let her go... She's done nothing wrong.."

Chloé looked pissed, "She took you away from me!!"

"I was never yours to begin with! I don't love you! I love Marinette! That's why I'm dating her and not you!" He shouted as he glanced at Marinette. She was struggling to get out of the pink rope that bound her, the pink tape still over her mouth.

Chloé pointed to Marinette, "How can you love someone like her?! She's nothing! She's worthless!"

Hearing that really angered Adrien, especially because how sad Marinette looked after Chloé said it, "You're wrong! She's amazing! She's talanted! She's kind! She's beautiful, inside and out! I could go on forever! But you? You're beautiful on the outside, but inside you're ugly." He crossed his arms.

Chloé screamed in frustration, "If you won't admit you love me, then I'll kill her!"

Marinette slipped out of the ropes and attacked Chloé from behind, using a move that really looked like something Ladybug would do. Once she had subdued Chloé, she took the tape off her mouth.

"Adrien.. You might think of me differently after I do this. But I have to." Marinette said, Chloé was unconscious now because Marinette had hit a pressure point.

"Wh-What are you going to do?" Adrien asked, his voice shaking.

"Tikki, spots on!!" Marinette shouted before she transformed into Ladybug.

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