"Nope! That bitchy boyfriend is a keeper , Courtney told to Ellie Wriles, she never really thought of Ellie as a friend but an ally in the murderous game of high-school. Ellie probably thinks the same thing. One day she would ditch her, just like the rest. Courtney Marin closed her eyes as she felt the cold fall day wind rush upon her.
"You're joking right? You've been together so long that everyone is like, damn why aren't you broken up already? People need something to talk about." Ellie replied.
"And it's not going to be me," Courtney finishes as she let her brunette curls pounce out from her ponytail, she turned around to see Ellie's blonde bob stuck up in her face," Fine, fine, I'll do the make it and go!" Elizabeth had started dating Keith Lassider from the beginning of the year, she was never really into him but decided to toy with him and break up sooner or later. The make it and go was a code name she and Ellie made up that meant, kiss him, make some connections, and then leave him in the bitter dust. Alone.
Ellie smiled slyly as she grabbed her purse from her locker. The girls went to Little River Ladies Boarding School, the most prestigious boarding school in London. At school Courtney, and all the other girls, wore a blue t-shirt a plaid skirt, and black leggings below it. First year students were not allowed to go out at all. Keith went to a school in the town near the school, and to even dating an ordinary boy was strictly against the school codes, but Courtney, as you can tell, really didn't care.
Courtney's first year had gotten off to a good start, she broke all the rules, made quick friends, and had soon became the most popular girl in the school, even still as a freshmen."Come on," she told Ellie," We'd better get to class." For first period both girls had Mrs.Presente', a math teacher.
"Oh what the hell, it's not like demerits are going to get us anywhere, and it's not like they're going to expel us either." Ellie replied. Courtney coked her head.
"Of course, wanna ditch?"
"What do you think I was pointing toward idiot? I mean we still have Keith to worry about."
"Who?" A voice boomed from behind. Courtney turned around to see the up-right face of Mrs.Sentell, the school's high misstress," And why aren't you in class?"
"We were getting there," Ellie said sweetly as she took charge as she stepped in front of Courtney.
"Go, before I change my mind," Mrs.Sentell said coldy.
That evening, around 8 pm, and after supper Ellie woke Courtney up," You've got to go ditch the boy, today, suck up that ass off yours and change." She told her.
Courtney stripped her night clothes off and dressed into a crop-top that read: Kiss my ass babe, and a mini skirt," Ready," she told Ellie.
"Then go," Elie repied, tucking hersef back into bed," And uh- make that move a worthy one," She winked and sinked iback into her bed.
Courtney put on a pair of high-heels and slumped out of the gothic building. She lead herself down the familiar paths that she had walked through, night by night to go see Keith. It's now or never, she told hersef. She saw a light fire by a coupe of trees. That's them. She heard laughs and smelt the smell of beer and wine. She walked toward the noise,"Keith!" she whispered,"Keith!"
She saw his brown bangs wave to see her," Guys, I'l be back, just gotta run to pee!" He lied.
"What, am I stil to embarrasing to be talked about?" Courtney asked once they were out of sight. "No, but you know how strict people can get around here," Keith replied. "Lttle River is stricter, and everyone knows about you and me, being the bad girl and all." "But," Keith said dissmissing the topic," let's get a move on, tell me why you're here tonight." "To make my move," Cortney smied as her fingers ran through his silky hair, she felt thier lips touch, she didn't let go. She felt Keith touching her stomach as she let her crop top fly up.
She let herself slip out of his grasp a moment after she comfirmed that Keith didn't want to let go ," I'm glad we could do this," Courtney told him," Before I break up wit you... Oh wait, that's what I'm doing right now." She turned around before she got to see the look on Keith's face, then she ran back to school, terrified of herself.
"Courtney Marin, Please report to the high misstress' office, please report to the high misstress' office." The PA announced during Courtney's period with Mrs. Presente'. She had lied and told Mrs.Presente' that she had a cold yesterday when she and Ellie had really been in thier dorms. "Mrs. Ellie Wriles too." The PA stopped.
"What did you two do now?" Mrs.Presente' asked them," Oh and, Mrs.Marin and Mrs.Wriles, here you go," She said handing them two demerits each ," That was for skipping my class, and lying to me."
Ellie's jaw dropped as she took the demerit out of Mrs.Presente's hand. "I'd expect more from Mrs.Sentell," Mrs.Presnete smiled.
Courtney tucked her shirt into her skirt and left for the halls with Ellie," What did we do?" "No, this is probably what you did, all semester. YOU were a player." "And so were you." Courney resoned. "So what? I'd so kill for a hamburger right now."
Courtney took Ellie out of her mind for a second as she saw Mrs.Sentell approaching toward them. Mrs.Sentell raised an eyebrow accusingly as she pulled something out of the coat pocket. She scribbled something down and handed it to the girls," Two demerits, remember this is a three strike school policy, and I've heard you've gotten way more than three. You can leave the school grounds immediately."
Courtney's eyes bulged wide as she felt butterfly's devour her stomach," Please Mrs.Sentell, we truly haven't done anything wrong."
"Come." Mrs.Sentell said as she turned around," To my office, both of you." Once they had entered the big gold encrusted doors they had a seat in two chairs. Mrs.Sentell turned on a computer and showed it to Courtney.
"See this?" She showed Ellie and Courtney the screen. The camera showed Ellie and Courtney sneaking back to their dorms after she told them to go to class. It showed them taking some jewelry from India, another girl in their dorm, 's bunk.
"It'll be fine!" They heard Ellie say as Courtney grabbed a beaded necklace. Courtney gulped as she clutched the necklace from on her neck.
Mrs.Sentell paused the screen for a moment,"One this board I will keep count of how many demerits you earned, in one day." She drew 7 lines on the chalk board," From me, Mrs.Presente', ditching, stealing, and wearing jewelry.. so far.
The next video showed the girls waking up again after curfew, Mrs.Sentell drew another line on the board. Then Courtney chsnging into different clothes. Another mark. Sneaking out. One more. boy, one more. Sexual disrespect. Another 2 marks. And finally, at the end of the video tape, breaking so many rules only to break up with the boy. Another mark on the board.
"Now you've lived the video and seen the video for yourselves. You've both arned yourselves 14 demerits. That means 14 days of suspension, or should I coose to just expell you?" Mrs.Sentel asked. Courtey tried to take it all in.
"Ellie has her family to go to during suspension, I don't where would I go?"Oh! Haven't you figured it out. Ellie is going home, but not to her loving, caring family. She's going to her hometown juvee for these two weeks! And you, we're sending you to the orphanage that you came from!" Courtney saw Mrs.Sentell stare into some lost memory, but it was quickly gone. She felt as she was slapped in the face.
Please don't forget to vote and comment agin! I swear I am so stinkin' nervous about this story!!! Please enjoy, and tell me your thoughts. Next chappy will be up soon (I'm done with it, just want to see if you guys like the story) If you want the next chapter up tommorow comment: Add Another

How to be a Teenager Times Two (Book One)
Novela Juvenil"I want you to kiss me," Said Courtney, licking her lips deceivingly. You can already tell she's the Brave, confident, and undermining type. So cliché. She has a swarm of girls and boys always surrounding her- has a perfect life as the rich girl. Wh...