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I land onto the grass on the other side and I feel...I don't know how I feel, but all I know is that adventure awaits me.

The men scream into their walkie talkies for backup, but I didn't stay around for what might happen next. I begin walking towards the tall, dark trees that whisper my name in the wind and as I step under them, I continue walking straight.
After a couple minutes, I come across a long stream and I follow it.

3 hours later
I walked and walked until I saw signs of life. I pasted evidence of a city nearby and soon walked by an abandoned gas station, over run by plants and trees. I started to hear the sounds of car horns and loud music getting closer.
I continue walking until the forest fades away and I come to a sidewalk and skyscrapers surround me. I look around and take in my surroundings. There were humans everywhere and a women with a pomeranian walked slowly past me. I look into her eyes and they take in the information: She's 23, graduated from Harvard and works at the Starbucks down the street.
She looks back at me, but within seconds, her dog growls viciously and it's gums raise to expose its teeth. It tries running up to me, but the girl pulls back on the leash

"I'm sorry, he's not usually like this."
She says and turns her head to look at the ground. The girl walks away.
I turned and began walking the opposite way then she. I took the rest of the day and walked around the large city.

I have not seen the entire place, yet, but I am planning to view all of the important landmarks. I am after all immortal and I will not die from old age.

As the afternoon sky falls upon the city, I finally take a turn off of the main road and slowly down a wide, dark ally. The light breeze blew torn newspaper pages across the pavement.
Suddenly someone jumps out in front of me and points a small hand gun at my chest.

"Don't move! Give me your money!"
The girl yells. She wore a long, black, oversized sweatshirt and ripped jean shorts, along with a pair of black converse. I couldn't see her face, because the hood of her sweatshirt covered her eyes. I stay still and I feel her becoming impatient.

"Money: an exchange in the form of coins and paper to purchase items for your well being?"
I ask and she lifts her head slightly and I get a glimpse of her face.

Her name is Alice Wildler, she's 19 years old. Her parents Maggie and Ender died in a car crash 2 years ago. She then discontinued high school, but she's very intelligent. She moves from place to place, never in the same location twice. She's scared, confused...lonely.

She asks loudly

"I don't have it, but I know where to get it."
I explain and she looks me dead in the eye, while the hood falls away from her face completely.

"Show me."
Alice commands, still holding the gun to my chest. But I turn around, my back facing her and I start walking the way I had come before. As I reach the end of the ally, I glimpse back at her and she tucks the handgun into her back pocket. I began walking along the sidewalk and people passed us as she followed behind me. I kept walking straight until I came across an ATM.
I press my hand onto a small hidden spot and my eyes close. My eyes open almost instantly and my vision becomes red. Money began piling onto the ground and I turn my head to look back at the girl. Her eyes were larger than before and her mouth was dropped to her neck; her expression was amazed like she had never seen anything like this before.
Alice quickly bent down to the ground and stuffed the money into a small backpack. She then grabbed my hand and we began to run, we did not stop.
We suddenly came to a screeching halt in front of a storefront, with large Pink lettering saying

She mumbles to herself

I question and she looks at me me in utter disbelief .

"Stay here."
She commands and walks through the glass door.

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