the mansion

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Slender man POV

Well that wasn't expected, oh well. I grabbed the girl and teleported to mansion. I took off the chainsaw, form her back. Then set it by the door. I set her onto the couch, and saw some blood coming form her arm. She must cut her arm on an branch on the way back form she reentered the woods. Yes I was watching her, and no it's not creepy.

" BEN get first aid kit." I called at Benjamin and he ran off and can back with first aid kit. I opened it the kit and bubbled the wound don't want it to get infected. I put an bandage and looked at her mask. Um I know she was attacked by Jeff but it can't be that bad. I undid the clips on the mask and removed it. Wow um that is bad, her mouth had scar that was mostly still there. Her right eye had a scar that went from her eyebrow to her carved smile. I quickly put the mask back on her. As I sighed, she sat up groaning.


My head what were am I? This ain't the forest were I was at before. I sat up and groaned. My chainsaw was gone fuck. I felt my face and felt my mask on my face, few I still have that mask. There was bandage, on my arm that was turning pinkish-red color. Then the man from before he was just starring at me, well kind of.

" Are you OK?" He asked and I nodded. He helped me up and I looked around. On the floor and boy dressed up as link from zeda was playing Call of Duty Black Ops. He got up and sat were I laying at. Rude man sorry for being unconscious.

" BEN this A.j, A.j BEN Drowned." He explained to me and BEN looked at me, the went back to his game. Well fuck you to BEN. A little girl came up to me with wide brown eyes.

" Hiya I'm Sally!" She chirped happily and hugged her Teddy bear.

" Hi Sally I'm A.j." I said not happily as sally. Then she ran off giggling. OK that was weird.... She looked normal well apart that she has blood coming down her forehead, why is she here?

" Oh where is my manners, I'm Slender man but call me Slender." He expanded and held a hand to shake. I took his hand and gave him a hand shake.

" My brother Trendor, Splendor, and uh Offender are around here somewhere. Oh and watch out for offender and whatever you don't take his roses or anything he offers." He explained to me and then commanded me. I noted mentally not to anything or in that matter of fact get near "Offender". I grabbed my chainsaw which I saw by the door.

" Follow me child." Slender said and followed. We went up 2 stories of stairs and down a hallway. The hallway had many colored door we stopped at pure white one.

" This you're room child as soon you step in the door will change to your favourite color." He explained and he opened the door.

" Supper is at 6 o clock be there on time." He explained and shut the door. After he shut the door the wood an sky blue color. I wonder if room will turn like I like too. Nah it's fine. The bed was black color, the walls were black with white stripes. The window was semi large with a window seat. The closet was fine a regular closet. I set my chainsaw by the door, and sat on the window seat. I grabbed my gun from my boot and unloaded it. Fuck down 4 bullets, should have bought more at the store dam it! As I looked out the window, boy with axes came up the maison. This... will be a nice change, I think.


Hey guys sorry about not having new chapters sooner but I been super busy because of school grr. School should calm down. So that means more chapters for y'all.

~ Zoogirl34

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