Once a tumble upon

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I started typing 'omegle' on my phone. I waited patiently while it loads and my heart's beating so fast as I started feeling nervous. My hands are also trembling because its winter. Why is the internet so slow? I asked myself while picturing what will I say and how is he going to response. Maybe I can say 'Hey. You like orange?' Nah, too awkward. Or what if 'Hi. Feeling cold,eh?' Well what if he/she is feeling cold too. Will he/she just say "Yes." Its so short. 

Suddenly, I froze. My head is fuzzy and maybe my heart skipped a beat. This is it.
I agreed with the terms and conditions. Started writing my interest which is ofcourse History. I entered it and voila! Im half excited!

You are chatting with a stranger with the same interest.
Say Hi!



       It is actually my first time using this site.

Stranger with the same interest disconncected.

Did I said something wrong? I just said its my first time. Is that wrong? Maybe I have to try again.

You are chatting with a stranger with the same interest.
Say Hi!

Hey, you like orange?

No. Ofcourse not.

Why'd you like History?

I don't like History! It's bullshit!
Im just trying this and now I dont like chatting with you.

Stranger with the same interest disconnected.

I thought this is easy. Even the online world does not like me. Am I going to be just as lonely as I am in the real world? But Im not giving up, if my neighbor finds himself a friend eventhough just online I am also going to find one.

You are chatting with a stranger with the same interest.
Say Hi!

Hey. What are you doing?

Im having a hard sex now! Ooohhhh...

(Ohmygod is he serious?)

You want to join us? Because my penis is so hard now.

You disconnected with the stranger.

That is so grooooooosssssss. If this next stranger is no good at all. Im going to quit this thing.

You are chatting with a stranger with the same interest.
Say Hi!

Hey. What's new?

Just a minute...

(I waited and waited and waited)

Im so sorry. A costumer just went in. Anyway, what's new? Nothing except the fact that Im trying this thing and Im like a child lost.

Hey! Goodthing Im also new here. A neighbor recommended it to me.

That is nice.

You said you have a costumer. What is your bussiness?

Oh, I have a nostalgic shop. And the costumer that just walked in was so grumpy. I always have to deal with people like that.

HAHA. Me either I have a nostalgic shop! What a coincidence! I am so extremely happy..

THAT IS GREAT! If you wont mind, Can I get your name?

Just call me Summer.

Cool name for a weather like this. Summer and Winter.

Just call me Jamie.

Nice meeting you Jamie.

HAHAHAHA. It is also nice meeting you Summer.

Am I going to find you again because my Mama is calling me.

When the next time you visit just type Germany 515 Blk Homes.

Okaaaay. See you soon Jamie. HAHA.

You disconnected with the stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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