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"Mom?" Matthew asked me as he pulled my shirt. "Mom?" Vivian repeated. I slowly get up and grab Matthew's little hand. "Come on Matthew. We're leaving." I said as we begin to walk away. "Where have you been all this time? Is that your kid? Is that why you left? Mom thought you died." Vivian started saying out loud. Soon enough all the attention was on us. I piggy back Matthew and I begin to run. I ran and ran like there was no tomorrow. Matthew was smiling and sticking his arms out like he was a plane or something.

Once we got home, I put Matthew down and he ran to his play room. I sat on the couch stressing of what just happened. Slowly my eyes closed and I feel asleep. I woke up to a big crash. I jolted up to see Justin dropped a tray. "I fucking told you to be gentle." Tim yelled. "Sorry it slipped." Justin said as he picked the tray up. "Guys, we have a problem." I whispered. "What kind of problem?" Tim asked. "My sister saw me and Matthew at the park." I said as I got off the couch. "But she didn't see our house, right?" Justin asked. I nodded no. "Good then we don't have anything to worry about. "Yes we do. But what are we going to do?" I thought to myself.


Hey Guys, sorry about the short update. I wanted to get something up so I can tell you guys that I won't be able to update for a while. I have to study more, but I will try to update once a week or maybe even twice. I just can't update everyday. Anyway Night Guys


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