80. Bloody Meadow (word edit)

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Shatter was taken off the hotlist bc of 2 trigger words i wasnt even aware were words that would be triggered. Should be fixed by tomorrow and i can go on to finish the last 4 chaps! Plus quite a few epilogues.



Everything was moving in slow motion.

My ears werent working.. all that could be heard was the sound of my blood pumping inside my own ears as Nova's bright green eyes were wide, staring into mine with disbelief as she said the words, 'I love you.'

I couldn't hear them... i could only see her lips moving, kneeling on the ground before her, holding her shoulders, my eyes drifting to the spear of silver coming out of her chest.

My breathing was erratic.. the first thing besides my blood being pumped through my body that i could actually hear.

It was as if everything was silent.. but me. I could hear nothing but my own bodily functions.. the workings of my heart and lungs.

I looked back into her eyes, thinking this could not be happening. This couldn't be! The moon had said we would be happy. The moon had said it. Had she lied? Had Deacon lied?

A sad smile lifted onto Novas lips before her eyes became unfocused and her lids began to flutter shut, head falling slowly forward onto my shoulder as the life in her beautiful eyes began to fad.

Tears pricked my eyes, blurring my vision.. i couldn't stop shaking ..

Leaning my head back, i screamed.. and i could hear it.

I screamed at the moon who was supposed to keep the loves of my life safe.. i screamed out for my heart which was breaking inside my chest...


Why do bad things happen to good wolves? What point was the moon trying to make? Nova was supposed to be her warrior.. why take her away after giving the both of us hope?

If i could, i would fly into the sky and tear the moon to bits myself. She had no right. No fùçking right!!

"X! Snap out of it!!!" A hand landed on my shoulder, shaking me. "We need to move her!"

I couldn't let Nova go. She would fall. The weight of her dad behind her..

I growled, my wolf surfacing.. snapping at the hand on my shoulder which was Maxim. I couldn't think of him as an Alpha at the moment... my wolf saw him as somene trying to seperate me from my mate.

He moved without a word, walking behind Nova's slumped body just as my ears began to work again, hearing everything around me.. Huge pulls of air I was taking into my chest.. the sorrow i felt. She couldn't be gone. We were supposed to be happy.

Eden and my mates mom running... mouths falling wide open with so much pain on their faces.. tears flooding their eyes as they witnessed what was in front of them. I held Nova's weight... sobbing as my nose went to her hair.. i had to do something.. i need to do something. Anything.

Nic was screaming, crying out as he looked down upon us in horror.. blood coating his skin. We were all naked.. covered in the life force of dead wolves.. crying over our lost loves.. the air filled with howls screams and cries. Someone was screaming at me.. I couldn't focus couldnt let go of her. Grace came to stand by the rest as she looked down at Nova, her hand over her mouth wth wide tear filled eyes..

Maxim grabbed jack from behind Nova's limp body. "Hold the spear!" He rushed out, brows creased.

I was disoriented... not knowing what was happening.

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