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As the November weather thrills this place, rain has been my best friend. After the long day of work, punishing myself in front of the computer, I think tonight will be my reward.

I am wet and soaked with the rain. It is heavy and cold that gave me an idea to play fire tonight.

I entered the bedroom and  shut the door then set the skirts and shirts on Mike's bed and peeled everything off. Naked. Totally naked. I went to his closet and found a black hanger, put my clothes, bra and panties on it, and then went to hang it in the bathroom so it would not drip on the tiled floor. Seeing this room, I felt a secret thrill at being naked in the same room he slept in.

I don't want to take a shower after being in the rain. I loved the soft feeling on my skin, and keeps on reminding me of how people used to live long ago. Naturally. Basically. Like a children playing under the rain. I slipped on his clothes before looking at myself in the mirror. The white long sleeves that Mike always wear makes me smile and sent a shiver down my spine.

When I was finished, I checked myself for the second time in the mirror, feeling pretty despite everything. Without makeup, perfume and anything.

Mike was in the living room when I traipsed down the stairs. He's squatting before a fire, doing his best to put a life into the fire. He didn't see me come in and I just simply watched him as he worked in the fireplace. He had changed his clothes as well after soaking wet in the rain and for Pete's sake, he looked so good. His shoulders broad, wet hair hanging over his collar, jeans tight, white shirt. Awesome.

He poked the fire, adjusting the logs, and added some more kindling. I leaned closed against the  door and just continued to watch him. In minutes the fire had flames, even, hot and steady. He turned to the side to pour some more wine in his empty glass and in a moment he caught a glimpse of me out of the corner of his eye, I guess. He turned his back to face me.

"Oh. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in," he said , trying to sound not formal.

In work, it is an obligation for him and I to be formal despite our... affair. He's my boss. I'm his employee. Nothing to be special between us inside the frame of work. Inside the four corner of our office.

"I know. You weren't supposed to." I said casually.

"How long have you been there?"

"A couple of minutes? I guess." I said half smiling.

Thunder boomed loudly and another downpour started. I could hear the enraging roar of the rain on the roof, could hear the snapping of logs on the fireplace that lit the room. I paced to the window and saw the gray sky flash a striking light in a second that made me wince. Later, another boom of thunder engulfed my universe.

I took a white quilt from the sofa and sat in front of the fire. Mike just watched me in the whole time. Not speaking. Only watching me.

"It's quite a storm." He said, finally breaking the silence while pouring a wine in his glass then to mine.

I watched his chest rising slowly when he breathes, imagining the feel of his warm body once again.

"I love it," I said while taking a sip of the red wine. "I've always loved thunderstorms."

"Really? Why?"

"I don't know. They just feel so romantic and ecstatic to me."

Lightning flashed again. In the quite moments before the thunder, our eyes met as we tried to remember our love story that has been left untold.

I leaned into him and felt the heat between us, felt his body, felt his arm tight around mine. It felt so right and perfect to be here. The warm fire, the good drinks, the music of the storm. I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked to his brown warm eyes and Mike kissed me softly on the lips that gave a shiver on my chest down to my stomach. Butterflies?

I touched his face and touched his cheek, brushing it softly with my cold fingers. He leaned in slowly and kissed me again, still sweet and tender.

I closed my eyes and parted my lips as he ran his fingers up and down my back, slowly, gently. He kissed my neck, my cheek, my eyelids and I felt the moisture of his mouth linger as it touched the every part of me. I can't help it. I swear. I took his hand and led it to my breasts and a moan rose in my throat involuntarily as he gently touched my breasts through the thin fabrics of the shirt.

Our universe seemed like a fantasy as I pulled back from him. Without uttering a word, I started to undo the buttons on his pants. He watched me with a smile on his face as I did it and as I move my way downward. But he held me, stopped me. Instead he made his way to caress every single part of me. I felt him slide his hands inside, touching me softly and gently and let his hands explore my body.

He was utterly hot and ran his hand over my sweat chest and feeling the hard hand of him. Leaning in, he kissed my chin as he ran his hands on my belly up to my breasts while kissing my neck and licking my shoulders. He did this until I couldn't take it anymore, and when we joined as one, screaming, crying moaning are the only things I knew. I pressed my fingers hard into his back as he move rhythmically as a primitive dance of a tribe. I buried my face in his neck and felt him deep inside me. His strength, his gentleness. Moving against me is a pleasure. And being with him is a dream come true.

I opened my eyes with the sunrise that peeked through the curtains. I feel sore but deep within feel pleasured. I gazed at my side, expecting someone lying beside me, naked, as I was. But I found nothing. Only an empty space and messed blankets.

I shut my eyes close once again. I feel so small in his bed. I feel so empty without him on my side after we'd done last night. And today, I know, we will be starting to be a stranger once again.

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