Author Notes (ramblings)

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So, hello. I'm Silver Raven.


...What should I talk about...



Alright. I made this as the entries for LGBTQ+ contest this month (November 2016) with the theme : fairytales + LGBTQ+ character or theme.

And this stories came to my head.

I'm doing a retelling of The Little Mermaid (Den lille havfrue) by Hans Christian Andersen.

I read (half) of the fairytales from that one collection of fairytales by Hans Christian Andersen. I read the original The Little Mermaid once, although I kinda forgotten what's what's anymore, and I'm sorta lost the books since my phone that hold all of my e-books broken *cries*. The one I read is the translation on the old English, I guess. Half of the time I had no idea what kind of fairytales I'm reading. Old English is so different than the modern English...

I don't even know if someone read this but since I've already done it up to chapter three and the epilogue (yes, I finished the epilogue after I'm half finished writing chapter one. I just have a weird head) and doing the chapter four when I'm posting this.

I'll try to stay true to the original fairytale with changes here and there.

And also, the characters might get a little off of their characters a bit... I had no idea what I'm thinking when writing this.

I'm planning to end it with fifteen parts including prologue and the epilogue. The word count variable from 400 something to around 1000 or less (or more, idk).

The restrictions of 20.000 words is something, since my mind wander a lot, and like to add this and that. And I don't even know if I won't reached the restriction or finish it on time, but I think I manage. Hopefully. I really hope I can finish it.

I don't know most of the word used to describe things (a lot of things) and probably just gonna left it out short since I don't have a f*ckin idea what those things called in English.

I'm not from English speaking country and not that good with English, so forgive my grammars. And if you happen to find any grammar mistakes in this stories, please point it out in the comments. Grammar Nazi's are welcomed. I'm okay. Really.


Actually I'm doing a Cinderella retelling, right now, and its still unfinished. I'm distracted by a lot of things and kinda losing interest writing it, but I do planning to finish it one day. And also, that was my very first subscription on wattpad. I'm writing it with the 3rd person P.O.V., and its awkward as hell since I'm not that good with 3rd person P.O.V.. I find it more better for me to write in first person P.O.V. than 3rd person P.O.V.. But still, I'm trying to improve my writing skill right now (which is not that good...).

After the contest ended, I might going back and re-edited or re-writing some part in this stories, if I have the time.

There's will be a short afterword if I finished this stories in time, for word count and other s*it.

And so, commend and vote if you happen to like my stories, not like its that good, though.

P.s. The 'I like men' (gayyyyyyyy *laugh*) parts won't showed up until chapter four or five. Or six... I still don't know.

Alrighty then!

Captain out!

Updated 0048 at 22-11-2016

Oh, did I said it will ended with fifteen parts including the prologue and epilogue?

Well, I ended up over did it.

I terribly worried about the words count now... 😑

Update 26 10 2017


...alright, it's actually not that great, but I do said I'll be doing a retelling last year (lol).

Since the NaNoWriMo will be starting in a few days, I'll be using this opportunity to do a more refined version of this story, like what I'm supposed to do long, long time ago... *sigh*

But of course its not gonna up until the NaNoWriMo ended, which mean I would only be posting it online at December. And since wattpad is actually pretty much dead for me (I haven't been using this site much since I also doesn't have that much time...), I don't know if I will be posting it here anymore.

Maybe yes, maybe no, idk. Lets see later when I actually have something to post.

Lord, my writing ability has decreased do much... maybe? Lol.

Anyway, if I did not post it here, it's probably just gonna up on this site, named Tapas.

Here the link to my profile:

Just check it around December if you somehow want to read the new By The Sea And The Land.

Captain out!😆


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