Chapter Three - The Fateful Meeting

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      Lys have been swimming for a few hours, and reached the surface of the water. He have been mesmerized by the scenery of the sea he never see from their territory before. And the creature like shark or other sea creature didn't harm him one bit, since he is the son of the Mer-King.

      Sure, he had explored the sea around their territory as far as he can go when he's younger before he get caught by his father soldiers, saying that 'It was too dangerous' or 'What if you get hurt' and things like that. And Lys is not a child that like to listen to others opinion and nagging, so he resort to take a walk-or swim-and goes as far as he can before someone realize that he's gone. Period.

      So the look up there is something that he never imagined before. Not even his Grandmother or sisters stories can describe what the thing he saw when he's taking a breath on the fresh air, without the sea water coming inside his nose. A truly breath taking scenery, that he will remember to his death.

      A view where the sky is gray and dark with thick clouds surrounding the horizon. Rain pouring from the sky to the sea. Lightning shocked him a little, but not much. Winds blowing hard, and he spot no other living creature beside him and his forgotten soldier that following silently behind him. The soldier told him to get back down to the sea since apparently, you can die if the lighting hits you.

      A storm is raging in the sea, and the wave is big enough to toss him around. But he still think that it was amazing.

      "So this is called storms?" he said it in his head. Still thinking that the view is beautiful, although the soldier doesn't agree with him.

      He keep swimming in the surface, letting the wave toss him around, while the soldier had a hard time following him because he refusing to go back down under the water.

      He swam in the storms happily, not caring about his poor soldier and he though that he heard him crying and praying silently behind him.

      After around an hour get tossed around in the waves, he saw something big in the north. Curious, he swims faster to that thing. Wanting to know if it was like the ships carcass he saw in the sea sometimes. The soldier told him to stay away from that ships, but he's not Lyse if he listened to the others words.

      When he get close enough, what he saw shocked him. It was a medium sized ships, but with beautiful design and patterns on the body of the ships. But the things that caught his attention is not the beauty of the ships, but what condition that ships into now. The sailcloth is torn apart, the mast seemed broken in two and humans screaming and shouting in the deck. Running around grabbing everything they could reach and doing everything to keep the ships stable. He still able to see their face and emotion from below, and mostly, their face is filled with agony and terrified expression. He felt sorry for them, but the soldier have reached him and trying to tug him back down to the sea.

      At that moment, he saw one particular human, that seemed to be dresses not that different from the other humans, but there's something about that human that caught his attention the second he laid his eyes on him. He have a medium length auburn hair and his white shirt is sticking in his body because of the rain. He doesn't seems to be having a lot of muscle like the other humans, but he do have the beautiful and graceful face. "He is a little thin," he though, "But his face is beautiful."

      The soldier tried to rationalize with him. Pleaded, even, for Lys to go back inside the water. But Lys couldn't take his eyes from the human and the ships that seemed to be sinking anytime soon. And then, he heard another human shouted, and see him pointing to the right side of the ships, where a big waves that higher than the ships coming at them, and Lys know better than staying up in the surface, and dove back inside with the soldier. But not before he saw the waves hit the ships, and heard the screams of the humans filled his ears, before it muffled completely by the water.

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