What do you call a frightening car?sCARy
What did the murderer say when he stabbed a random person?its KNIFE to meet you
What did the guy say after he got stabbed?Dont sorry I'm in STABle condition
What do you call a tree that's made of science?A chemistTREE
Why did the lights go out?Cause they didn't LIGHT each other
What did the puddle say to the other puddle when it was evaporating?you will be MIST
What did the fly say when he got stuck in a web?Oh no I'm in a sticky situation!
Why didn't the bicycle work?Cause it was two-tired
What did the ocean say to the other ocean?Nothing they just WAVED!you SEA what I did there?Are you SHORE
Why did the bicycle fall over?Cause it was WHEELY tired
What do comedians eat for breakfast?a PUNcake
The book of puns
HumorSome puns you might not get them so yeah I hope you like it share this with your friends!