[3] Friends UNEDITED

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 The day passed by like a breeze on a autumn day, Vienna struggled to get down the notes of each class, and to catch up with her peers progress. By the time it was lunch time, Vienna's brain was stuffed full with information that had no where to go and she wasn't compelled to scribble it all down. She continued interacting with Kelsey and Bianca, the two making sure to include her at every point, which filled Vienna with a sense of acceptance from the two girls. It caused a warm sensation to run over her, crawl up her spine and a involuntary shiver shook her small, fragile body. Glancing back up at her friends, she offered for the first time, a real smile.

"Kelsey, who is James Garrison?" Vienna piped up shyly during a break of silence, Kelsey and Bianca was quietly munching on sandwiches, their contents unknown and truthfully, Vienna wasn't that interested to know what was slapped between those two slices of bread. Glancing down at her own sandwich, containing finely sliced eggs and mayonnaise as a dressing. She felt her stomach do a turn as she placed her sandwich down. Vienna had a thing about eating in public, it was practically impossible. Sighing, she glanced back up at Kelsey who was finishing her mouthful, but as soon as she opened her mouth to reply, Bianca chopped in for her.

"James is the ex-boyfriend, he and Kel were together for five months before she found him doing drugs behind a school building." Bianca chirped, finishing off her sandwich happily, before a loud scream caused Vienna to flinch, ducking her head almost if she was protecting herself. Her gaze flicked to a beautiful white haired girl, porcelain pale skin and sharp arctic blue orbs, holding something out toward a terrified auburn haired girl, who was squealing something along the lines of disgusting, and how rank she was.

Bianca shrugged toward Kelsey before refocusing on Vienna, who was looking back up at her with those big doe like brown eyes, looking like a puppy. "He was so confused when I dumped him. I think he was a bit up in the clouds." Huffing, Kelsey crossed her arms and lent back, her eyes rolling as if she practiced each day. Vienna looked down and twiddled with her fingers, she was glad the two similar views on drugs, Vienna herself was raised to avoid anything considered bad; drugs, smoking and sex. It was who she was, who her parents shaped her to become, and she agreed on the views. The abuse of drugs was something she had witness, both alcoholic and plant.

Vienna's gaze returned to the auburn in distress, to find the white haired girl had disappeared mysteriously, probably left to return to wherever she had appeared from. Almost like a ghost, one moment there, the next she's gone. Vienna mused, a small giggle leaving her lips at the thought, and a gasp of shock left Kelsey's lips. "She can laugh!" She exclaimed, looking at Vienna like she had cured cancer while she was doing a back flip off of a cliff face. The sarcastic shock that rose in those blue orbs of Kelsey's caused Vienna to bite her lip and glance down, unsure of herself, doubting everything she had done and said within the past hour.

Soon, the bell sung it's ear piercing song, summoning the students out of their sense of freedom and demanding their attention. Running a hand though her chocolate locks, Vienna rose to her feet and scurried away to her last lesson, her head traditionally tucked away and her eyes focused on the ground. She could feel them watching after her, as she moved as quickly as possible, almost tripping over her own feet.

The last subject was History, their teacher turned out to be Ms. Johnson who was also their home room teacher. Though, it was fortunate to see that neither Kelsey or Bianca were in this class with Vienna, in fact, there wasn't a familiar face in the whole class. Scurrying into a suitable seat, she gathered out a fresh book, scribbling on the lesson on the front of the book before opening up to the first page and ruling up, writing down the date neatly before she glanced up at the board, watching the teacher look at her in bewilderment. 

Soon, the seats began filling up and students began preparing for the day's lesson. Hiding behind a curtain of brown, Vienna waited for the teacher to begin before a masculine, yet breaking voice disturbed her peace. Glancing up at the stranger, she saw an almost nervous looking dirty blonde, who was rather handsome in his own way with those bright green eyes. "Uh, may I sit here?" He asked gently, rubbing the back of his neck; a universal nervous habit among the male gender.

"Of course, free country right?" Vienna attempted at a joke, smiling brightly before she scolded herself, glaring down at her paper as if it kicked a puppy whilst laughing. "Indeed it is, but easy, with that look the paper might burst into flames." The guy joked, a smile pulling at his lips. His teeth were straight, one was slightly angled but they were white and she couldn't really flaw him on his smile, which caused her to smile back. "Maybe that's my plan?" She questioned rhetorically, arching a brow before the teacher's familiar voice caused her to snap back toward the board.

"By the way, my name is Luke." He whispered to her, grinning as the teacher paid no notice to his quiet words, her focus primarily upon the words she was scribbling up on the board. A shy smile and a blush crept onto Vienna's features, before her eyes flickered over to him, glancing into those gorgeous green orbs. "Hi Luke, my name is Vienna." She whispered back, biting her lip out of anxious habit. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He mused, grinning before refocusing on the board. His words were meant to make her feel good about herself, but they only made her feel conscious about her body. Truly, was she beautiful?

Ahoy, third chapter. I must say, I wasn't expecting to post three chapters in the span of two days. A pretty decent achievement if I do say so myself! I don't why I bother with these rambling of author notes, the only people who see this are my friends who I dragged in to read this mess. ANYWAYS! Kelsey is above shown as her beautiful self, like I seriously should stop choosing actresses with such perfect eyebrows. Making my audience[myself] pick flaws at themselves by comparing to these pretty ladies!

Stay tuned for the next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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