Kendall Imagine: Merry Christmas Princess

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BTR Guy: Kendall Schmidt

To: kendallsangelwwheels

*****Kendall's POV*****

"Are you sure you'll be okay angel, I'm sorry I can't be there for you" I said with deep concern for Jennifer

"Yes Kenny i'll be okay, don't worry about me, you just focus on your show and ill see you tomorrow for Christmas babe" she said

"Okay I'll see you then princess"

"Bye babe"


Jennifer's POV

I strolled to the living room on my wheelchair. Cerebral Palsy makes me use a wheelchair but I'm not letting it affect me at all. I love to write and sing and just being myself.

I turn on my stereo which starts playing "Crazy For You" I start singing to it, while wrapping Kendall's presents. Eventually I finish and sit on the couch to watch some t.v.

As I sit there watching some BTR re runs, I think about Kendall. Yeah sure I'm happy for Kendall that he's on his Heffron Drive Tour but sometimes I feel alone. Example, right now, it's Christmas Eve and I'm here alone watching t.v. but I guess that's what happens when you marry a celebrity. After a while, I fell asleep.

"Kendall, please don't leave me" I begged as tears fell down my face

"I'm sorry Jenny but I just don't feel the same way" Kendall said he packed his bags and drove out of my life

I collapsed rubbing my tear stricken face "why Kendall, Why!"

I couldn't stand it Kendall was my rock, without him I don't know what I'll do.

I strolled into the living room looking at all the photos of us. it showed a happy couple who would do anything for each other but apparently that was a lie

I looked at a photo of us on our wedding day also known as the greatest day of my life. it broke my heart as I looked at Kendall's smiling face, a smile I would never see again

"Why Kendall" I said one last time as I started sobbing

"Angel?" "Angel wake up!" I heard

"What?" I woke up and looked around, I was on the couch and Kendall was staring at me concerned. "It was a dream, it was all just a dream" I said crying happily

"What happened babe" Kendall said as he took hold of my hands

"Oh Kendall I dreamt you left me and I was left all alone" I said as I hugged him. "wait Kendall what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't leave my angel all alone on Christmas Eve so I came back as fast as I could"

"Oh Kenny thank you so much" I said kissing him.

"And Babe I would never leave you, just letting you know that. I love you way too much to do that and if I ever did I would hope someone would kill me for doing that, and I dream of the day when we become a family" he said as his emerald green eyes stared at me.

"Well Kendall that might be sooner than you expect... because I'm expecting" I said with a smile

"Princess you just gave me the best Christmas present there is" he said with a kiss.

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