2 - The Phone Call

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I can't believe I actually have her phone number! Why would she give it to me though? I ran into her in the hallway, I could've really hurt her! I'm not sure. Anyway, it's not like she meant anything by it - did she? How could she have?

Confused though I was, I managed to make it through the rest of the day, though I didn't see Cassie for the rest of the day. I heaved a sigh of relief as I stepped into my house. I usually felt guilty for being glad about avoiding people. I never knew what to say, and the conversation would usually just lead to an awkward silence anyway.

Checking the garage, a huge grin crossed my face - it was empty! I was the only one home for now, which meant I could do what I wanted until they got back. Excitedly, I rushed around. Grabbing a snack from the fridge, I plopped down in front of the computer.

Remembering suddenly, I ran upstairs. I hesitated for a moment, staring at the screen. I opened the dial-pad. I unfolded the paper with Cassie's number on it. Do I really want to do this? I don't know if I can. Gosh, I hope so. This is so hard. Why is it so hard? I mean, I know I'm usually very pressed to impress people, or at least make sure they don't hate me, but with her... My thought trailed off. I'm not even sure what I'm thinking anymore. Am I trying to convince myself of something?

Shaking myself, I dialed the number, and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" Her voice came through, surprisingly clear.

"Hey! It's Alex"

"Oh, hey Alex! What's up?" A sudden recognition ran through her voice, though she still sounded baffled, almost as if she'd forgotten that she gave me her phone number earlier today.

"Honestly, not a lot. I have homework, but my parents are out," we laughed for a moment. It felt nice, laughing with her. "I guess I just wanted to apologize for running into you earlier today."

" No worries, You at least made my day interesting! So, thank you for that. I don't usually get that. My days are usually all about the same, pretty boring."

"Yeah, I know the feeling. Almost every day feels the same. It's nice when something unexpected happens - or in this case, someone."

"Yeah, to tell you the truth though, my parents aren't home either. I'm just kind of surfing the web right now." She did sound a bit distracted.

"That was my first thought really, before I remembered you gave me your number. I was wondering though, do you have an email?"

"Hmm? Oh, sure. I was actually contemplating giving you my email, it just seems easier to talk there."

"Exactly! I always feel like it's easier to know what to say there. I don't know why. It's hard to explain really."

"I know what you mean though. Here," she gave me her email, and we spoke a little longer. Just a few things back and forth, and hung up after not too long.

I couldn't believe my luck! I had actually talked to Cassie, and the conversation had gone pretty well! Sure, it got a little iffy in spots, but overall, it went really well! A little giddy, I wandered around the house in a bit of a daze. It wore off after a while, so I sat down and browsed the internet for a while. I was on for awhile, though my parents came home quickly after. 

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