Chapter 4

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The next morning Alex woke up to the sound of someone shouting her name. 
"Wha-wha mh was appening?" She said groggily. She squinted and looked at the girls standing around her bed.
"You have fifteen minutes till classes, no way you can fix that bed-head in time. Such a shame!" Pansy sneered. Rolling her eyes, Alex got up and sleepily slouched into the bathroom. She took a quick, five minute shower and dried her hair with magic. She kept it the same colour as yesterday but made it longer and thicker. It came about mid-back and was in perfectly-messy beach waves. She pulled on a dark pink Beatles t-shirt and her black jeans and leather jacket. After lacing up her converse she walked down to the Common Room.
"Hey sleepy head." Blaise laughed.
"mornin'." Alex said sleepily. Blaise laughed. She turned to Draco, "Mornin' to you too Blondie." She rubbed her eye sleepily.
"Don't ever call me that again Smith." Draco sneered. It didn't affect Alex at all, "That's your new name. I hereby dub you Blondie." Alex said patting his head. She jumped on the sofa then leapt on Blaise back back, "to the bacon!" She shouted, pointing to the exit. Blaise staggered, not expecting her to do that. He'd never given anyone a piggy-back ride before.
"Huurry up slowcoach! The bacon will be gone. IM COMING BACON!" Alex shouted, gaining a few stares. Blaise grinned and they set of to the Great Hall, Draco right behind them. As they reached the doors Alex slammed them open with a bit of wandless magic like she did the night before.
"WOO BACON!" She shouted. The whole Hall looked over. Blaise Zabini was giving the new kid a piggyback. A Slytherin was giving another Slytherin a piggyback. Alex grinned, "I know I'm pretty but no need to stare." Everyone looked away in a hurry.
"Wow ego much Smith?" Draco sneered.
"Obviously Blondie." Alex smirked and jumped of Blaise's back and made her way over to the Slytherin table. She shoved loads of bacon on her plate and sighed in relief. Pansy strutted over to Draco. She stopped when she saw Alex, "wha- how?" She stuttered, "how can you do your hair like that in 15 minutes?" She exclaimed in disbelief. Alex smirked, "I appreciate the compliment Parkinson but a girls got to have some secrets right?" Pansy glared and stomped away. Blaise and Draco stared at her, "you got ready in fifteen minutes and look like that?" Blaise said. Alex just grinned and patted Blaise's head.
"So, when are these Marauders going to do their opening prank?" She asked. It turned out that they did it in ten minutes. Two fireworks went off beside the teachers table and formed into the words;

"We, the Marauders, would like to formally welcome the first years to their first of seven wonderful years at Hogwarts. We would also like to welcome all older students back to Hogwarts.
We Solemnly Swear We Are Up To No Good,

The Great Hall burst into cheers, that is everyone except the Slytherins who looked bored. Alex gaped at the fireworks.  She turned to Blaise who was siting next to her, "that was it?" She asked. Blaise looked at her confused, "what do you mean 'that's it'?" 
"Well it wasn't very good was it?"
"Could you do better?"
"Easily." She rolled her eyes and looked towards the teachers table as the headmaster started talking.
"Now I have a few last minute notices to make." Dumbledoor said cheerily. "Firstly that was very impressive and as much as I enjoyed it I have to say that I can't allow that."
Alex rolled her eyes. He carried on, "Secondly, we have a few new teachers coming this year. Please welcome Mr and Mrs Potter, Mr and Mrs Black and Mr Lupin. They shall be teaching Transfiguration, Charms, Defence Against The Dark Arts and History of Magic respectively."  With that Mr and Mrs Potter, Mr Black and Mr Lupin walked in. Mr Black had a cocky smirk on his face which made Alex rolled her eyes. Turning to Blaise she said, "Marauders parents, makes me want to out prank them even more."
Blaise snorted. Draco looked disapprovingly at them which made them try to stifle their laughter. Mr Black noticed this as he walked past and glared at them, Blaise backed off while Alex just glared back twice as hard. Mr Black shook his head and turned back to the head table. She looked over the new professors. Mr Potter looked exactly like Harry, while Mr Black looked exactly like Orion. It was creepy. Teddy didn't look much like his father as he had blue hair and didn't have the same scars that his father did. Alex decided that she was going to find out why he had them. She looked over to the Gryffindor table who where all looking smug. But not one of them could beat the smug looks of the Marauders. Alex groaned and started banging her head on the table.
"Something wrong Miss Smith?" Dumbledore asked, his blue eyes twinkling.
"Nothing Sir, I just like to bang my head on the table for fun." She replied sweetly. The older Marauders glared at her while the Slytherins and, surprisingly Dumbledore, snickered. Well Dumbledore chuckled more than snickered.
"Very well he said, carry on."
The Great Hall went back to it's usual chatter. The young Marauders where still looking smug over at the Gryffindor table. They finally had teachers that would favour them. It was like a Snape for Gryffindor. Alex rolled her eyes and caught Daniels eye, who nodded. With a wave of her hand the Great Hall went into darkness. A few firsties screamed. Then, all of a sudden, multi-coloured words came into view. No matter where you looked they where facing you. The colours seemed to be swirling together, constantly moving but never fully mixing. The words read;

To Hogwarts. We would love to welcome you and all but that's sappy so it's being skipped.

A few gasps where heard when they reads this. The marauders where glaring at the words as if they just killed someone. Even the teachers where intrigued, they watched the words closely.

We just wanted to say one thing;
Watch out Hogwarts,
The Hell Twins have arrived.

The words them burst into a adorable cocker-spaniel puppy and a silver husky. They wandered around for a minute before bursting and light returned to the Great Hall. Everyone was silent, not out of tradition but shock. That was some impressive magic. Daniel turned to Alex and winked, she tilted her head in recognition and grinned. Turning to Blaise and Draco she said, "that's how you do it." She had a cocky smirk on her face. Both boys where in shock, gaping at her. In fact most of Slytherin had dropped their expressionless masks. A few people started clapping before the rest joined in. There was even a few Slytherins clapping. Once it had died down everyone was whispering who the Hell Twins where. Most people had guessed correctly that it was Dan and Alex. But they weren't giving anything away.

The rest of breakfast went by rather uneventful, the Marauders where glaring at everyone who looked their way. Snape strode down the Slytherin table handing out timetables. When he reached Alex his lips quirked up ever so slightly, "I must say Miss Smith, that was impressive."
Alex smirked, "I have no idea what you are talking about Professor."
He smirked knowingly in response and handed her her timetable. "Now that is a proper Slytherin." He thought.

Alex looked over her timetable and groaned. She banged her head on the table again.
"Will you stop doing that Smith it's highly annoying." Draco drawled. Alex groaned again but stopped banging her head.
"I have History Of Magic first!" She whined. 
"We all do." Draco sneered, "don't think your going to get any sympathy from me."
"Surprised you even knew what that word meant Malfoy," Alex sneered back playfully. Draco rolled his eyes.
"Was that a bit of humour I see?" Alex gasped dramatically.
"I think it was Miss Smith!" Blaise jumped back gasping louder. Alex mock fainted and fell into Blaise's arms. Draco rolled his eyes again, "mature, very mature."
"Thanks I know I am." Alex said sweetly and jumped up and made her way to HoM.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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