The start......

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Hey guys, Chloe here! I hope you enjoy this story and leave any comments if you would like more updates! Bye xx

Phil's pov:
Ding! 🔔 went the door buzzer. I opened my eyes and got up,slowly walking to the door. It was Dan.
'Hey Phil, you ready to pack up I can't believe we're going to share an apartment  together,  this is going to be awesome!' He said in an excited tone.
His brown eyes sparkled with delight.
His smile made me melt...
'No, I can't. He's straight and even if he was gay he would never date me. I'm ugly.'  I thought
'I can't believe you haven't got dressed yet. And I thought I was lazy!' He laughed.
I snapped out my daydream and realised that I was only in my boxers, I blushed.
'Lol. You start packing, let me just go get dressed.' I said as I  ran to my bedroom.

Dan's pov:
When he opened the door, his sleepy face made me shiver. He was so fucking cute. And when I realised he was only in his boxers it made my heart literally skip a beat. I knew that he would never date me so I brushed it off. I stood in his living room and started packing away his video games whilst he got changed. Part of me wanted to tell him how I felt; the other part knew he didn't feel the same way.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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