Chapter 1

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      The girl with the bandanna was a regular customer. She would always ask for the same thing too. For her it was a scotch, straight. No dilution. She told me when it was diluted it wasn't strong enough. I asked her what it wasn't strong enough for, and she stormed off. I, personally, never saw her again. She was always in the news though, even in surrounding towns.


      I could always tell when somebody liked me. I knew that the man who always served me my scotch liked me. So one day, I faked a scene and left. I was never the type to let somebody get attached to me. It never ended well. People only ever used me. I had not yet once met a man who loved me for who I was. It was only ever for my looks, or for the small amount of money I had. Usually, it was for the looks. I'm tall for a woman, with light blond hair, grey eyes that sparkle (or so I've been told) and long, long legs. My chest isn't quite bad either.
      Again, back to the original topic. I had stormed out of the bar, with thoughts of leaving town in my head. I've bounced around the states for as long as I could remember. I had always yearned to find new places, so I just went in whatever direction the wind would blow me. Right now, it was blowing me back towards my Volkswagen bug.


      I looked at the faded yellow sign that read "Welcome to the home of the best peaches in the US". I was entering the town of Palisade, Colorado. I made sure it was far away from where I had been in Ohio. As I sped away from the sign, I noticed the scenery around me fade into something else entirely. This was another one of my visions. (One of the many reasons I bounced around a lot.) My visions only come to me when something bad is going to happen.


      "Samantha, tell me you will take care o-of e-everything..." the dying man says, while looking at a woman who is short in stature, with long, auburn hair. "Don't worry, I will Papa." the woman says. As soon as she finishes speaking, the old man coughs up blood and takes a shuddering breath. "Papa, don't leave me!" the woman who I had known to be Samantha cries out. "Don't worry child, it's my time t-to g-go," the man coughs again, and takes a last shaky breath. Samantha takes one last teary eyed look at the now dead man's body and leaves the room, cellphone already in hand.


      I blinked back into my own life, right where I had stopped my bug. The place was the same, but the time was different. When my vision had started, it was 7:15. An hour had passed. Cars were now zooming by. I shifted my car into drive, and started on my way once again.

Author's Note
So, this is my first time writing something, and having the nerve to post it. I apologize if it turns out to be really crappy, as I am just an aspiring author, and only 13 years old.

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