Chapter 3

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To anybody that was actually trying to read this book, I'm sorry for the crappy updates and my weird schedule. I've been having some troubles with school stuff lately so I've put this book on a back burner more than usual.
(Now back to your regularly scheduled programming!)

After researching for about 4 hours and still having no leads, I gave up. There simply was nothing to go on. No Samantha I could find anywhere had any resemblance to the woman in my vision. No traumatic events, nothing at all! It was then that a second vision hit me.


"Sammy!" A person cried out, whilst knocking at a door. "Sam! If you're in there, hurry please! I have an emergency!" Said the man whom I was assuming to be around 20 years old. The woman I saw in my last vision opened the door. " Hurry Sam! We've got to go quick!" "What is it this time?" Samantha said with attitude evident in her voice. "It's your grandfather. Sam, your parents called, and they are very concerned for his wellbeing," he pants. "Fine, I'll go, but only because it's Grandpa Jim," Sam states. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The man shouts in joy. "But only under one condition." "And what would that be?" he replies. "You have to come with me to Arkansas then, Ben," she enunciates each word clearly. "It's a deal," Ben says, without a drop of joy in his voice.


I blinked back into my own time, knowing that with this preliminary vision I had gotten more information, but was running out of time to stop the first one from happening. It was also then that i heard someone shout my name. "Lillian Gray! I haven't seen you in awhile!" A man shouted at me. I groaned internally, as I recognized the man to be one of my many ex-boyfriends. " What have you been up to, Lil?" Pheonix asks innocently. As I turn to face him, I'm already forming a plan to get out of the conversation. "Oh, nothing much," I state nonchalantly. "Oh, well....... you're still looking beautiful as ever," Phoenix states while examining me closely. I felt a light blush spread across my cheeks.
"O-oh thanks, I guess?"
"You still don't know how to take a compliment Lil?" He says through a chuckle. I roll my eyes and mutter "Whatever" under my breath.
"How many years has it been now?" Phoenix says softly.
"I dunno Nix," I say just as quiet.
"Maybe you'd want to go to dinner to catch up? He says with hope in his eyes, and an airy tone of voice.
I respond with " I'm sorry Nix. Maybe some other time? I'm really busy right now." I was trying to wiggle my way out. (He was one of my clingyer boyfriends when we were together.) "Oh, okay. I can tell you don't want to go," he sighs, then continues with, " you always were married with your work." Pheonix starts to walk away, with a slow pace. "Pheonix!" I whisper-yell ( I am in a library after all!) and he turns around. "What," he snaps, with emotion filling his voice. I walk up to him and whisper in his ear, " I can't do anything tonight, but I may be able to find a little free time tomorrow." He responds with " Okay! I'll pick you up around 7 tomorrow. I think I still have your number. Just text where you're staying at."
"Sounds good, I'll be looking forward to catching up with you." In reality, I was not looking forward to it.

So, first of all, sorry for the two author's notes. If anybody actually reads this book, I would love it very much if you give me feedback on it. I want to know what you think of it, where you think its going, and all of that good stuff. Bye!
P. S.
hopefully next time it won't take me so long to update.

*Further revision*
I'm very sorry for the long updates between chapters. I have been trying to get many things done for school and extracurricular activities.
Also, if anybody would want to be a proofreader for me, the position is up for grabs.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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