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I stared up at my ceiling thinking-well, day dream is more like the good way of saying that I was doing. When I shouldn't be, I was thinking of a certain guy. A guy! Who knows me to day dream about a guy?

But I have never seen such a beautiful wide smile like Killian Arkwright. He had such a perfect bottom full lips with perfect straight white pearly teeth. Beautiful blue eyes compared to my hazel ones. His eyes were the kind everyone wished for. Like baby powered blue bottle. Soft.

I had seen him again after I has that short conversation with him. I had been getting on the bus and he was in the parking lot with Marco group, but our eyes has met for a few seconds before I told myself to look away. I took a seat on the side where I wouldn't be able to see him.

I brought my hand up to my mess of brown hair and signed. ''Damn you Killian Arkwright.''

"'Who's Killian Arkwright?" Emily asked when she popped in and jumped down on her twin size bed.

''No one, stay out of my business.'' I said and she laughed.

"Oh I know who Killian Arkwright is. Tall, shoulders like a football player, eyes as blue as the sky on a summer day, and a Boston accent that makes him even more dreamy-just because I am a freshmen doesn't mean I don't hear things Mat.'' she said and I snorted. ''This is so cute, Mat has a crush! He must be more out of this world for stubborn Matilda to like him.''

"I don't like him, that's crazy. He's apart of Marco Hanigan group.'' I said and she giggled. ''He's just another pretty bad boy and if he's Wills cousin, I rather pour acid on me and run in front of a bus then ever have feeling for him.''

''Yesh, someone sure is defenses.'' she said and I snorted.


''What? Not hungry?" I asked Melinda who was picking at her slice of pizza. The cheese on it all hard again from getting cold.

She looked up at me and shrugged, "It smells disgusting . . . a pizza place? How romantic, Killian.'' she sarcastically said. "I didn't think the second son of the Massachusetts Beta was so cheap."

''You expect so much, Melinda.'' I said and she shrugged.

"I'm the Alpha daughter, I get whatever I want.'' she said like a spoiled little brat and I cringed a little, wondering if coming here was a good idea. The idea of becoming Oregon Alpha future son in law was a cool idea, but I hadn't expected Melinda to be so . . . cold. ''Don't get me wrong, Killian, you're as cute as kittens but let's not act as if I don't know my father is expecting us to get married one day.''

''I agreed to come out here to know you. I don't understand why your so . . .''

She grinned, ''Humans would like to call me a bitch. It okay Killian, I know I'm unpleasant to be around.''

''Then why act like this?" I asked, shrugging. "Have so much in the world. Great family, a wolf, beautiful, brains but so cold.''

''You see how Blue and Marco are?" she asked and I raise an eyebrow, confused. "They are to be married in the future-Blue told me their little secret. They're mates.''

"What?" I breathed out in shock. "Since when does that happen these days?"

"Blue and my family have Native ancestors. As you know, Natives were different. We were the chosen ones.'' she said and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "But you know people would expect too much from them since Marco is to become Alpha one day. Blue may act like she only ideas with Marco bullshit, but she loves him.''

''Okay, what does that have to do with us?" I asked.

"I want that-I don't want an arrange marriage. I want to be free-so if I have to act like this for everyone to sorry other than baring Hanigan offspring's. I'm mean more to this whole pack then that." she said.

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