Narrator; Matt had been put in iss for punching a boy in the face for calling Hailey b####. She doesn't know he did that. The desk writer wrote on the desk saying 'I fought for you someone called you a name I'm now in iss I love you some more.' Hailey decided to write back 'You didn't have to do that do you like me or something?'
Fern (bully); What are you doing?
Hailey; Nothing.
Fern; Talking to the boyfreind you don't have?
Hailey; Shut up
Fern; Oh not so nice?
Hailey; No I'm not.
Fern; Mrs. Lichen Hailey is being rude to me.
Hailey; Am not
Mrs. Lichen; Hailey you've been writing all over the desks iss I'm sorry
Narrator; Hailey went to use Matt was their he heard the seeking writing got her in trouble. Hailey wasn't mad at the desk writer in fact has was more in love with him then ever... I guess you could say it was forbidden love
RomantikMatt is a 'Bad Guy' but not to Hailey she likes him ALOT. One day she finds writing on her desk she falls in love with the person writing his way to her heart.