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Narrator; Hailey was given the rules about iss from the principal .
Principal; Don't write on the walls don't talk to Matt.
Hailey; Whatever
Principal; Matt your new rookie
Matt; Welcome to my humble abode.
Principal; Bye
Matt; What you in for?
Hailey; I was writing on desks
Matt ; My freind was doing that.
Hailey; I'm not mad I was talking to my love
Matt ;Haha one of the popular guys?
Hailey; I don't know
Matt; Well I'm in here for punching someone in the face
Hailey; Cool a fighter.
Matt; My mom wants me to calm down and get a girlfreind.
Hailey; That's to bad.
Matt; I want to calm down but sometimes it's hard.
Principal; No talking
Matt; Come on bro you love me.
Hailey; Hahaha
Matt; I guess we should shut up
Hailey; Ha Ya we should....

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