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I have spent the last 30 minutes listening and dancing to my Beyoncé record on Jessica's record player. I call it the 911-Emergency-Dance-Cheer-Up-Party. I'm jumping on my bed singing along and dancing every accurate step to Single Ladies when Jessica walks in the room and drops her shopping bags.
"What are you doing?" She asks with her jaw gaping open.
"I'm having a much needed 911-Emergency-Dance-Cheer-Up-Party, do you want to join me?" I shout over the music.
"No, I need to get ready for tonight's party" she picks up her shopping bags and begins unpacking.
"I have work in 15 minutes anyway, I guess I should go" I jump down from my bed and turn off the music. I grab my cellphone, keys and wallet from my dresser. "I'll see you...whenever you come back to the room after your party"
She waves me off and I head to work.
There's something about books that gives me a fuzzy feeling inside. The smell of the new pages and new ink smells magnificent and the smell of old pages and ink smells so historic and classic. I love turning every page and the way they feel between my thumb and index finger, I also love turning the final pages and finally close the book then sitting and contemplating on how some paper and words caused me so much emotional trauma.
Being surrounded by shelves and shelves of books for my job makes my life immensely more enjoyable.
I'm sorting through a new delivery of books at the front desk when the bells jingle as the door opens and without looking up I say "Hello, welcome to Books For All, I hope you find what you're looking for" my boss is very critical on customer welcomes.
"Hi, I'm sure I will" I look up at the sound of Ben's voice and when I see that he is truly standing there the stack of books collapses at my feet.
"Oh, um-hi, welcome to Books For All, I said that already didn't I?"
"Yes you did" he nods sullenly "you need any help with those?" He kneels beside me and begins stacking the books up.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you, my manager is very strict about staff duties. He will probably fire me if he finds a customer doing someone else's job" I smile and he stands up slowly.
"So you work here?" He shoves his hands in his pockets and I place the books onto the counter.
"I've got the badge to prove it" I point at it and he laughs quietly. "Are you looking for anything in particular?"
"College books"
"Well college books are in that direction" I point to the right and Ben glances towards the college, teenage section.
I take the books and begin walking in the opposite way, placing books on shelves as I go passed and find their place. Ben silently follows, reading the blurbs of books whilst I'm finding where books go.
"Is this book good?" He holds up a copy of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.
"I haven't read it but I've heard it's good" he nods and slots it back into place "you don't look the type of person who reads"
"I'm not. I just like to pretend I am, makes me look and sound smarter, it also makes me feel more productive" I laugh and he takes the book I'm trying to place on a shelf too high and places it exactly where I wanted it.
He raises his eyebrows in question and I nod.
"Do you need help finding college books?" I glance at Ben and find him staring at me in a daydream. "Ben? Benjamin?"
"Huh? What? Um, no. I'm not getting it"  he shoves his hands in his pockets again and that's when I realise he isn't wearing a hoodie and his tattoo is on full show.
My heart flutters slightly and I look away incase he noticed in my eyes or something.
He didn't hear a word of what I said, I think to myself.

I'm placing the final books on the shelves when I round the corner and Ben is standing leaning against the shelf.

"Boo!" he jumps forward into my path and I scream.

"Don't do that, you almost have me a heart attack!" he buckles over with laughter but as my manager walks out of his office just beside the counter, Ben straightens up and coughs slightly.

"What's all of this noise?" he bellows.

"Nothing, I just got a fright that's all. Sorry" I walk around Ben as if he is an object and Ben runs his hand through his hair, struggling to keep a straight face.

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