24|Was it all a dream?

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     "AHHHH!!"I yelled as I stood up from my bed.

"Baby? What's wrong"Camila asked worriedly,she stood up from my bed and walked towards me.
"I had a dream that lauren kid napped me "I panted as I wiped some sweat of my forehead.

"I won't let her do that y/n.She won take you away from me"I smiled at Camila.I loved how her voice calms me down.
"I have to tell you something.. but you have to promise you won't tell the girls.."I trailed off and I could see a hint of worry in Camila's eyes.

"I promise"she said and gestured for her to sit on the bed.
"Lauren used to abuse me.Either physically or mentally"I said while looking down at the floor.I couldn't look at Camila,I felt ashamed.

*flash back*
(Warning : if you don't like to read stuff with abuse in it then I advise you to skip this part)

I heard the door bell ring so I quickly went and opened it .
"Lauren?"I asked as she came inside walking aimlessly.I instantly smelled alcohol.

"Hey baby"she slurred,coming up to me and kissing my neck.
"Lauren,STOP you're drunk"I protested but it only mad her angry.
"You Listen to me bitch!"I felt a stinging sensation on my left cheek.
She slapped me.
"I have needs and it's you're fucking job to take care of it ,understand !"she shouted in my ear.At this point I felt tears start to stream down my face.
"You little cunt,why are you crying huh?"Lauren's words were so hurtful,I could hear pure hatred in her voice.
But I couldn't bring myself to answer.
"ANSWER ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU"Lauren pushed me down on the floor as she slapped me over and over again.
"You're a waist of my time."she stood up then kicked me on my right rib.I coughed and gasped for air.

My vision started to blur but I was able to make out the image of Lauren opening my front door and disappearing into the night.

I stood there motionless.

*Flash back ended*

"Y/n, I'm so sorry"Camila said gently,she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.
"I couldn't bring myself to end our relationship"I cried and Camila nodded for me to continue .

"Everyone thought Lauren and I were the perfect couple but in reality we weren't.I spent my time trying to make her happy and slowly losing myself.All we did was go out to parties was so that Lauren could hold up this image."I sighed as Camila wiped my tears away.

"I'd never hurt you baby,I'm not like Lauren okay?"I nodded.I knew Camila was good,she wouldn't hurt a fly.Unless you messed with someone /something that she loved then you'd see a side of Camila you wouldn't want to.

"I love you Camila."I said as I looked into my favorite pair of brown eyes.
"I love you too y/n"Camila smiled.she gently brought up her hand to my cheek and gently caressed it with the pad of her thumb,I couldn't help but melt into her touch.

"Kiss me"she whispers and I gladly obeyed.I brought her into a sweet kiss that didn't last long for more than 40 seconds.

"Lets go back to bed yeah?"I nodded and lairs beside my girlfriend.
I cuddled up to Camila as I once again fell into a deep sleep.

Camila's POV

Y/n's story broke my heart to pieces.She didn't deserve that, no one does.I won't let Lauren come close to her again.I will make sure she doesn't ever hurt her again.

I rubbed y/n's back until she fell asleep.How could anyone ever hurt someone so beautiful and pure.Y/n has a kind heart and I know she meant no harm to hurt me.She just didn't know what exactly to do with the feelings she had for me.

But I sure thank god that she did do something about those feelings.
I can't imagine how my life would be like at this very moment without her.

I was once too hurt by Lauren before.Emotionally.She used to call me a slut for wanting to be a dancer.thats why she stopped being friends with me.

I just hope she doesn't try to hurt Y/n again because then she'd have to deal with me.


Hey guys.I hope you enjoyed this small update.Btw I love Lauren so much 😩! and I feel sad for making her the bad guy but I meant no harm what's so ever .
Anyways like /comment and thanks so much !
(Ps: sorry for any spelling or grammar errors)

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