16|Late night adventures

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Right now it's 3:30 in the morning and I can't sleep.I get out of bed and put on a pair of jeans ,a shirt ,my white vans and leather jacket.


I grab a little rock from the floor and throw it so that it hits the window.

I see the lights turn on and a gorgeous girl pop out.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"a groggy Camila said.I shrug my shoulders.
"We're going on an adventure "I flash her my charming smile.

"An adventure? Really y/n,it's about to be four in the morning"The younger girl shook her head with a smile.

"Come on baby get dressed ,you don't need extra clothes we'll be back in the morning"I said and sat on the grass as I waited for Camila to come down stairs.

Sooner or later the front door opened and the beautiful Cuban girl came outside.

"Hey"she simply said as we hugged.I smiled ,she smells so good.

"Well thanks,I try"I coughed.Fuck I just said that out loud.

"Yeah you did ,but it's cute"She kissed me cheek and headed to my car.

"So where are we going ?"Camila asked as she put on we seat belt.I say on the drivers seat and did the same.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."She huffed and slump in her chair.

"Fine"I lightly leaned over to her seat and placed my finger under her chin,bringing her face closer to mine.I kissed her lips sweetly.

"Trust me babe"She nodded with flushed cheeks.

"Put on some music"She smiled happily."here"I took my Phoenix out of my pocket and told her the passcode.

"You have good music taste y/n"I smiled.

"Thanks "She nodded and said a small 'no problem' back.About a second later the 1975 robbers was blasting through my car speakers.

"I love this song"The brown eyed girl sitting next to me said.I nodded."me too"I put up the volume more and started to sing.

I'll give you one more time We'll give you one more right
Said one more line
Will I know you!

I stopped singing for a moment and heard a faint voice singing along to.

"Hey! Sing louder"I told Camila over the music.

She started to sing louder and I put down all the windows down ,letting in a cool breeze.

Once the song ended we got to our destination.

"Where are we?"Camila asked and I pointed to the big sign that read '7/11'.

I smiled "let's go"I tilted my head towards the store and we got out my car.

I held her hand in mine as we went inside the 7/11.

I pulled her towards the slurpee machine.

"Yes they have the blueberry one!"I throw my fist in the air ,earning a giggle from the girl next to me.

I got two large cups and handed one to Camila.

I pulled the lever making the blue slurppe fall down on my cup.Camila got a mixture of cherry and blueberry while I just got blueberry .

"Hey what munchies do you want?"I asked Camila and her eyes lit up.I looked to where she was looking at and of course there was a banana there.

"We can get that too babe"I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

I grabbed some ores,chips,Arizona cans,sour straws (A/N I fucking love sour straw,okay proceed)and just a whole bunch of junk food.

I placed all of the stuff on the counter when I saw Camila start pulling out her wallet.

"Hell no ,this was my idea your not paying for a thing princess."I shook my head and put her wallet back in pocket,she tried to protest but I have her my 'don't even try it 'look.

Once we got all of our stuff I carried the bags and put them in the back seat.While I put our slurpees in the front cup holders.

"So where to now ?"Camila asked with a mouth full of slurpee.I shook my head smiling.

"Somewhere "I smirked she nodded and turned the music up a bit.


"Okay we're here!"I said excitedly .I grabbed the stuff from the back seat and walked next to Camila who tried to help me with the bags.

"I got it baby girl"She gave me the are you sure look and I just nodded.

"Come sit"I pulled out a blanket and placed it on the grass.

I placed all of our things on the blanket and the whole night we just talked and watched the sun rise.

"Hey baby "I shook Camila lightly but she was knocked out cold.I lifted her up and started walking to the car as I placed her in the passenger seat.I noticed she'd slightly shiver so I gently put my leather jacket on her.She smiled in her sleep and nuzzled closer to it.

The sight in front of me made my heart melt.I closed the door and hopped on the driver seat and started to drive to her house.


I soon made it to Camila's house and she was still asleep.So I decided not to wake her up and carry her inside instead.

I took her keys out of her pocket and then carried her bridal style.Once I was in front of her door I lightly shifted to my side so that I can open the door then closed it when we were inside.

I turned on the light so I can see the steps and proceeded to carry her up the stairs.

I placed Camila on her bed and changed her Into a big t-shirt a shorts.i put her white blanket over her and kissed her forehead.

I soon started to walk towards the door but heard a voice .

"No y/n don't go"Camila said in a sad voice.It broke my heart.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere princess."I gently stroked her hair trying to get her to fall back asleep.

"Stay with me"she opened her eyes and looked into mine.I knew She meant why she said so I took off my shirt and pants."is it okay if I stay like this?"I asked her softly as the Cuban girl licked her lips and nodded.

I laid down next to her as I felt a small pair of hands rub my tummy.

I looked up and saw Camila's eyes closed.I pulled her closer to me and soon closed my eyes too.

"Night night beautiful "

"Good night baby"I smiled and then drifted into a deep sleep.


Hiii guys.

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