Cross My Heart

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"I can't believe that you got him this! It's absolutely cute!" screeched Minako at the top of her lungs, staring at the object within her hands.

Usagi blushed even harder as everyone in Crown stared over at the group of teenagers. Covering her face and ducking down, she whispered, "Minako-chan, could you not?"

Rei whacked the bow-haired girl upside the head. "You idiot! Stop being so loud!" she screamed at Minako.

The volleyball player rolled her eyes and retorted, "But you're also screaming, Rei-chan! So stop trying to seem like you're better than me!"

"Only because you're being so loud about Usagi's gift for Seiya-san!"

Makoto and Ami sweatdropped/facepalmed at their friends' antics, feeling bad about how embarrassing they were being at the moment.

Ami looked over to Usagi. "Are you sure about giving him that? You two have only been dating for 7 months."

Usagi's face hardened, but still held a faint blush as she replied with confidence, "I am 100% sure about this, Ami-chan. I really am."

"How sure?" coaxed the genius, looking intently into Usagi's eyes.

Everyone at the table quieted down or stopped what they were doing to stare down the blonde beauty.

Usagi barely held in a blush as she fiddled with her hands nervously. "I am sure with all my heart that he's the one for me because ... " she paused for a moment, nibbling on her bottom lip as her eyes met those of all her friends, "I love him. I love him with all my heart. He makes me feel loved and not someone he just tolerates for the sake of having a relationship or anything. I'd do anything for Seiya, even die because he is truly my heart now and I don't know what I'd do without him. He is my one true love."

Makoto sniffled, dabbing at her eyes. "I wish that I was able to have someone like that in my life, " she gushed.

Minako had her hands clasped together, her eyes glittering. "I wish that Yaten-kun would grow a beard enough to say something like that to me, " she gasped, earning a nudge from Rei.

The miko gave Minako a dirty look, "You meant 'grow a pair', Minako-chan. 'A pair'!"

The volleyball player snorted, waving a hand in dismissal. "Do you really have to correct me every time I say something wrong? Tomato, potato, oranges, whatever ... You all know what I meant, " she huffed and slid Usagi's bag back over to her.

"What do you plan to do with Seiya after you give him that?" asked Rei, eyebrow raised.

Usagi swallowed sharply, a blush coloring her cheeks. "Anou ... I think that I'll ..." she started before taking a few more sips of her drinks.

"You think what, Usagi-chan?" probed Makoto, leaning in closer.

The other three girls inched closer as well. Even Ami was waiting in anticipation for what her friend was about to say.

"Umm ... Well ..."

"Spit it out already! We're not getting any younger!" shouted Rei, her impatience showing all across her face.

The petite blonde took one last sip of her drink before raising her eyes again to meet her friends' anxious ones.

After a very long pause, Usagi managed out, "I am planning on finally doing it with Seiya." A even redder blush flared up across her face as her three of her friends let out a loud squeal that had everyone in Crown's cafe looking over at them.

"You guys, calm down please. You're making everyone stare at us again, " scolded Ami, even though she was doing her own happy dance internally.

Makoto, Rei, and Minako calmed down after that before the bow-haired girl broke the silence once more.

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