27. Mom Visits

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So I finished my first year of College in May. My mom is coming out today. She hasn't been out here since I moved out here. That means she will meet the twins and find out that I now have a boyfriend.

"Hi mom. I've missed you." I said as I greeted her at LAX when I picked her up at the terminal.

"I've miss you too. It's good to see you."

We drove to my apartment. Of course the twins just had to be in the hall when we got to our floor.

"Are these the twins you told me about?"

"Yes. Mom. This is Ethan and Grayson." I said pointing to each of them as I said said each of their names.

"Nice to meet you boys. Why don't we go in and get to know each other." She said as I let everyone in my apartment.

I started freaking out. She has o idea that Ethan is my boyfriend. What if she doesn't like him? She has no idea about the whole Nerve thing. Do I tell her that it's actually a lot of fun? And she for sure does not know or need to know about what Ethan and I did the night we skinny dipped at that party.

"This is very nice MacKenzie. Why don't I look around."

My mom is very rich. I've never really bragged about it to anyone though. Even though she is rich, she still brought me up like a parent should. And she thought me to never brag. So I never did.

I showed her around my apartment. She liked it a lot. Except the room part. With the whole College thing I really haven't had time to clean.

"MacKenzie. This room is a mess."

"Sorry mom. I haven't had much time to clean with school."

We went back in the living room and sat down to do some talking. I just hope that my mom doesn't start asking too many questions about the twins life.

"So boys. What do you two do to make money?"

And we're doomed.

"Well. We don't really go any where to work. We actually are YouTubers. So that is how we make money." Grayson said to her.

"YouTubers. Sounds like fun. How long have you two been doing that?"

"For about 4 years now."

Please don't ask what the videos are about. Was all that was going through my head at the moment.

"Speaking of jobs, have you gotten one yet Kenzie?"

"Yes I have actually. Last summer not too long after I moved in. I work at a nearby Red Robin."

"How much does it pay?"

"Ten an hour. Plus tips."

"Wonderful. Why don't we go out to eat tonight. We can go somewhere nice. How about the Melting Pot. There's one not far from town."

"That sounds great. We will be ready in an hour."

I walked out with the twins so the thee of us could talk.

"Guys. Please dress nice. My mom will freak if you don't. I'm not saying to wear a tux, just dress in something nice for the night."

"Don't worry. We will." Ethan said to me.

"Great. See you guys in half an hour. I'm coming over then to make sure you guys look decent."

Ethan and I shared a kiss and I went to go get ready.

"Alright mom. I'm going over to the twins to make see they are ready." I said to my mom as I left.

"Looks like I saw ya coming." Ethan said as he opened the door to his apartment.

"Hey. You look good." I said as I walked through the door.

"I look good. Look at you."

"He's not wrong." Grayson said walking out into the living room from his room.

"Hey. She's mine. Lay off." Ethan said as we all laughed.

"So. We are leaving in half an hour. It's a 45 minute drive from here. So make sure you have everything."

"When are you gonna tell her about us?"

"I don't know. I mean I really want to. I just don't know how to is the thing."

"You are gonna have to tell her sooner or later."

"I know."

We hung around for a while before we had to get going. When we had to go we met my mom out in the hall.

"Why don't you two look nice." She said with a smile as we walked down the hall to the elevator.

"Good. She likes what you guys are wearing. Now don't do anything stupid." I whispered to them as we headed out to the car.

I sat in the front seat while they sat in the back. If we all sat in back, it wouldn't be very comfy with all of us back there.

When we got there Ethan opened the door for me and helped me out. Which was very nice and gentlemen like of him. He knows how to clean up and impress.

We sat at a table with chairs rather than a booth. I sat between Ethan and my mom. Grayson sat across from me.

"So boys. You ever been here before?" My mom asked once we ordered our drinks.

"No actually. This would be our first."

"Then we can have you taste the best dips."

"I suggest the Chocolate Fondue. It's always been my favorite." I said to them.

"I suggest the medium cheese. It has a kick to it."

We eventually got to the fondue. My favorite part. I never got anything else but the Chocolate Fondue. It was my favorite.

After spending a few hours together at the restaurant, we decided to call it a dinner and head back to the apartments. Once we got back, we said our goodbyes and went our separate way.

"So. Would you like to tell me what the deal is between you and Ethan is?"

"Was it that obvious?"

"Yeah. Just a little. You look at each other like you are each other's world. I've never seen anything like the two of you."

"I wanted to tell you earlier. I just didn't know how. We've been dating for a year now. Don't be mad mom. I really do love him."

"Honey. I'm not mad. You two make a good couple. I'm happy for you."

Thank god.

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