~Chapter 10~

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Jonathan's P.O.V

I was laying down on my bed, when I heard a loud thud against the glass door that lead to the balcony. I sat up and looked at it. Then I saw a large bird flying at it for what I assumed a second time. My eyes widened as the glass shattered and the bird flew into the wall. I saw glass chunks everywhere, and stood up to look at the bird. On my way over to the bird, I slipped on nothing, because I'm stupid and clumsy. I landed on my hand, and felt glass chunks sink into my skin. I jerked my hand up and held it with my other hand. I heard footsteps and the door opened. Evan stood in the door way. His eyes landed on me, and his eyes widened. He ran over and grabbed my hand out of my other and studied it for a few seconds. "Jon, what the hell did you do!?" He asked me in a panic. "It wasn't me! That bird flew through the glass door, and when I stood up to make sure it wasn't fucking dead, I slipped and fell on the glass!" Evan looked over to the direction I was pointing to, then glanced back at me. "Okay, stay here and make sure the bird doesn't leave if it's not dead, I'm gonna clean as much of the glass as I can." "Then what?" "Then I'm gonna find somewhere to put the bird until it can leave, and then we're taking you to the hospital." "The hospital? Why?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "You have glass in your hand, Jon! And there's some in your wrist too! And some of these look pretty deep." "...well fuck." Evan pecked my lips and left the room fast. I stayed in the same spot like he told me, and thought. He has the nerve to kiss me, after what happened earlier?! We're not even dating, and he acts like we are! And when I point it out to him, he doesn't say anything! Evan came back in the room with a broom and a dustpan. He started cleaning up the glass pieces, and I glanced at the bird. It started to move, and stand up. It started to walk and then fell over. It stood up again, and the same thing happened. "Evan I feel really bad for the birdy." "It's not dead? It probably has a concussion." "It keeps falling over. Can you bring it to me?" Evan was already done cleaning, so he grabbed the bird, which was surprisingly small, and placed it in my right hand. I noticed how gentle he was with it. It was kind of adorable. I hate that he does adorable things. How am I supposed to stay mad at someone who's so adorable? The bird was breathing really fast, and tried to fly, but it couldn't. "Jonathan, we should really go to the hospital." Evan said, taking the bird back. "We can take it with us, it's not like it can go anywhere." "Are we just gonna carry with us or something?" "Yeah it can just chill on your lap with a towel in case it poops, and then when we get there, I'll just carry it." I giggled. "Haha...poop." Evan gave me a look. Then slowly started to smile. "C'mon, I know you wanna laugh." He snorted. "Jonathan... Shut up." He started laughing right after. I laughed a little with him. As I stood up, I put my left hand on the ground to stand up. My left hand. The hand I had glass in. I felt it push deeper into my flesh, and I yanked my hand back. "Ah, FUCK!" I yelled. Evan put the bird on the bed and took me by my right hand side I could stand up. "Let's go." "Good idea." He grabbed the bird again, and as we walked out the apartment, he grabbed a towel for the bird. We got to Evan's car, and he opened the door for me. He put the towel down on my lap then put the bird on top. He closed the door and went to the drivers side. He started the car and we were off to the hospital.

*Time skip to ze hospital*

"Yeah, he's going to need some stitches on a few of these." The doctor told Evan as he took pieces of glass out if my hand. I flinched as he pulled one last piece out. He scoffed. "That's nothing compared to what coming next, son." He left, then came back with a needle and some thread. "You're gonna keep him awake?" Evan asked. "It's just stitches, not a major surgery. He'll be fine, if he can't handle the pain, we can use some anaesthesia." He grabbed the needle and pushed it into my skin. I winced, and was able to feel the thread moving through my flesh. It hurt. I felt the needle again, and almost screamed. I'm such a bitch when it comes to stupid shit like this.

*Time skip because...I can*

"Evan my hand hurts." "We can put some ice on it when we get back." "But I wanna hold the bird!" "Oh.. shit that's right. I need to go get a cage for it. You can come if you want." "Yes!" Evan was still holding the bird, and I felt like a child, because I wanted to hold it. "Evan?" "Yeah?" "...can I hold the bird?" "No." "Aw, c'mon!"

A/n: Okay the cuteness is in the next chapter I swear

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