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A/n: You don't need english lyrics anymore, do you?

Evan and Jonathan lived a beautiful life. After two years of dating, Evan proposed to Jonathan, who, of course, said yes. Craig and Tyler were invited to the wedding, along with all of their friends and family. Craig and Tyler had a very bumpy relationship, but in the end, they were both happy to be in each other's arms openly, without having to hide from someone else.

"Evan?" "Yes?" He called back to me. "Do you wanna go out dancing tonight?" I asked him while walking into the room he was in. I saw Evan smile. "Yeah, just us?" "Yeah, why would anyone else come along?" "I don't know, there was that one time at the diner where Craig and Tyler came along and it ended in-" "HEY! We don't talk about that anymore. That was a one time thing!" Evan threw his head back and laughed. "So, dancing tonight?" "Yeah, in like an hour." "We have time." Evan said while wriggling his eyebrows. "Not now." I said when giggling. "Fine, but when we get back I'm coming for that ass." I laughed out loud.

*While dancing*

"Hey Jon, our songs on." "I know!!" I said excitedly. "Let's go dance!" I said while grabbed his hand and pulling him up. He laughed and let me drag him across the dance floor until we were in the middle, where we danced for what felt like hours to the rest of the song. As I'm thinking back, I'm glad Craig cheated on me. It hurt st the time, but look what happened. I found the perfect man, and married him. Too bad the little bird died. We named it Pàjaro, which is kinda dumb because it means bird. We basically named our bird Bird. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Evan kissed me. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said back while smiling. "Hey, I'm glad you chose to dance with me when we first met." I smiled and kissed him again. "Me too."

~The End~

A/n: Mehhhhhhh I'm sorry it's over. I'm also sorry it has a sucky ending...but like...it's not that sucky...right? Whatever, I hope you all enjoyed this book, if you did...well then...thanks. Okey bye bye~

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