Liv and Maddie- Miggie One-Shot

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  • Dedicated to Miggie

Hey. I am absolutely in love with Liv and Maddie and since I love Diggie and Maddie together, I thought of an idea that could have happened in the pilot. I don’t own Liv and Maddie, or any of the characters, Disney does. I only own the plot.

Rooney house backyard

Maddie pov

‘I said no because knew it was Liv,’ said Diggie.

I raised my head as I asked, ‘What?’

‘Yeah she didn’t do that cute thing you do this your charm bracelet when you get nervous,’ Diggie replied.

‘Huh, you think you make me nervous, do you?’ I asked.

‘Well yeah, that’s why you play with your bracelet when you talk to me,’ he replied as he started to chuckle.

‘Well I’ll show you that Maddie Rooney does not get nervous, especially around you,’ I said as I dropped the basketball and wrapped my arms around Diggie’s neck, pushing up to kiss him.

As I pulled away, Diggie stared at me then pulled me back in brushing his soft lips against mine.

‘What was that for?’ I asked Diggie.

‘Well I wanted to show you that you don’t make me nervous either,’ he said with a cheeky grin.

‘So what happens now?’ I asked. ‘Well I guess this,’ he said as he went down on one knee.

‘Would you Maddie Rooney please make me the happiest student in Ridgewood High and,’ he started but I cut him off saying,

‘I’m sorry Diggie I like you and all but it’s too early and I’m still young.’

‘What no, you got it wrong. I wasn’t going to propose to you I was going to ask you out on a date.’

‘Oh, will then I would love to go on a date with you.’

‘Good and now let’s seal the deal with a kiss,’ he replied wrapping his arms around me and kissing me fiercely.

‘Well my work here is done,’ I heard someone say.

As we let go, I turned around and saw Liv standing there with a smile on her face.

‘Thank you Liv, I know I told you not to help me but I’m glad you didn’t listen to me,’ I said and then remembered that she was about to leave.

‘Wait Liv, please you can’t go, I need you here. You’re my sister and my best friend and I couldn’t stand being away from you again,’ I ran up to her and hugged her after I said that.

‘Thank you Maddie, you’re so sweet. I couldn’t be away from you either.’

Then Liv left and I walked back to Diggie.

‘Oh and before I forget will you go to the dance with me?’ Diggie asked me.

I nodded hugging him.

After we let go I said, ‘But I won this right?’

‘No I won because I get to take you to the dance and on a date,’ he replied.

‘That’s what losers say. Bam What,’ I said doing my signature catch-phrase.  

Hope you enjoyed it.


Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year to all who celebrates it.


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~Here Comes Forever~

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