Chapter 25

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Warning: This chapter is a little violent, just mentioning blood and stuff in the second half. And maybe a few graphic details. It's also pretty dark, so younger viewers may wanna skip this one... Of course I know most of you will just read it even more interested and excited because you're sick like that, so read on XD

As soon as he was finished leading Leena into her quarters, Han let his heart twist in pity for the poor kid. She was younger than Luke and Leia when they had become involved in all of this mess, and now she probably felt like the weight of the galaxy was on her shoulders. No wonder she started crying on the walk back.

Which lead him to another topic: Dender. Han knew that the man meant well, but he hadn't exactly built a reputation for being good with the younger members of the Military sector, and now he had not hit things off well with Leena.

Han made his way back up to the briefing room, and into Dender's office, where he knocked. The door slid open, and Han leaned against the doorway nonchalantly, provoking a curious glance from the general. "Solo? What can I do for you?"

"The kid's right, General. We need to do something." He replied quickly, crossing his arms over his chest and wearing a stony expression.

"She is, but it's not that simple."

"Then make it that simple."

"Making it simple is not that simple."

"Well, can you at least talk to Mothma about it? She's here, isn't she?"

"Well, yes, but-"

Han was already down the hall, asking the nearest person where Mon Mothma's quarters were. He felt kind of bad for the young intern he asked, because he didn't exactly do it nicely. However, the intern stood aside and pointed down the hall, apparently realizing that Han was in no mood for elaborate directions.

Within five minutes he had reached Mothma's chambers, which were especially out of the way due to her fancy title of President of the New Republic, but nevertheless they weren't very guarded, meaning that she either wasn't home or needed to boost her security. He rang the doorbell, and was surprised at how fast it opened afterwards.

What surprised Han even more was that Mothma herself answered the door, when Han was expecting a service droid or guard of some sort.

"President Mothma." Han greeted her. "Can we talk for a minute or two?"

"Well, seeing as I just finished my work for the evening I don't see why not." She said, her wrinkles curving up into a small smile as she lead Han into her quarters. She lead him over to what looked like the living area, and Han couldn't help but raise a brow in awe at the sheer luxury of the place. Tall windows draped the room in the red Malarrinian sunlight, and the furniture was wide and looked extremely comfortable.

Vaguely, Han wondered if this was what Leia's house looked like back on Alderaan. A house fit for royalty.

Mothma sat down on the couch, gesturing for Han to sit in the seat across from her. He complied, sinking down into the chair but sitting up straight, reminding himself that he was here for a reason.

"Now, what can I do for you?" She asked.

"Well, first of all you really need to heighten your security on the place because if I can somehow get in here, then anyone can."

She chuckled. "Well, you're hardly just anyone, Captain Solo. I believe you would have found your way in here some other way if you had wanted to."

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