Chapter 29

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"Han, look out!"

Leena shot a trooper behind Han as he ducked and whipped around, blaster at the ready. However, he relaxed when he realized Leena had taken care of it. "Thanks, kid."

Leena nodded, and returned to looking out from behind a crate the two were hiding behind. "I only see a small group of troopers, but there's a lot of firing down. Do we have binoculars or a scope or something?"

Han nodded and pulled out binoculars, scanning the top of the tower without sticking his head out too much. Leena covered him, shooting back and providing cover fire at anyone who decided to shoot at them.

"Yep, two snipers and a bunch of troopers at a high level shooting down." Han informed her, and Leena squinted to block out the sun and looked up, only able to see a few specks that were probably troopers.

"How are we gonna take care of them?" She asked, looking at Han worriedly. Han bit his lip and continued firing, thinking. Suddenly, he slumped down behind the crate, and Leena joined him, listening expectantly.

"Here's what we're gonna do; Leena, you stay here and draw fire while I try to get a better angle on the troopers firing down. I'll knock a few down before they find me and start firing at me, and that's when you start dropping them."

Leena nodded, and started firing blindly while Han sprinted off to the side. She kept the binoculars and waited for Han to draw fire before looking out with said binoculars, searching for him. However, Leena blinked in shock a few times before looking back into the binoculars, surprised.

Through the binoculars she could see Han talking with Leia, with someone blurry near her that was somehow too far away to focus on. How the binoculars couldn't focus on someone that close to Leia Leena didn't know, but what mattered was that she was there.

She must have gotten Luke out already. Leena thought hopefully. But she wouldn't be able to reach them without attracting a rain of blaster fire in her direction and then endanger them all once she got there. So Leena stayed where she was, drawing fire while the two, or three, had their agonizingly long conversation.

Han finally came back, and Leena crouched behind the crate to hear what he had to say. However, his grin expression worried her. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost or something." She said in concern, staring in anticipation and waiting for a response.

Han sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine kid. Leia got Luke out and is taking him out on the Falcon. Now, since he's out we only have one more person to get, and that's the SIT."

"Alright, so what's the plan?"

"Well first off, Leia gave this to me to give to you." Han handed Leena a lightsaber, which she realized was Luke's. "She said she figured you could use it more than he could at the moment."

Han's tone turned grim at the mention of Luke, and Leena wanted to ask about him but figured it would be better for both of them if she waited until a better time. Instead, she took Luke's lightsaber and clipped it onto her belt next to her new holster.

"Next, I was thinking now that you've got a lightsaber you can help protect both of us, so how about you run and I gun?" He questioned, and Leena nodded, relieved.

"I didn't think I was good with the gun anyways. Not that I don't like it, but-"

"You're not used to it." Han finished. "I understand."

Han sighed quietly and looked above the crate before ducking almost immediately as blaster fire rained down on top of he and Leena.

"You ready for this?" He asked, and Leena gave a hesitant nod.

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