My Girl

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Eric's POV

I put on some clothes and ran out my room. I ran into the living room and told my mom that I was going outside. She kissed my cheek and told me not to get into any trouble. I assured her that I wouldn't and ran out the front door closing it on the way out. I made my way down to Sydney's house with the food my mother had cooked in my jacket pocket.

I ran up to her front door and knocked on it. Seconds later she answered it flashing that cute smile like she always does.

"Hey I'm back." I smiled as I walked in

"Hey where'd you go?" She said as she closed the door

"Oh I had to go back home before they found out I was gone." I took the food out of my pocket and put it on the table

"Oh ok. What's that?" She walked over to me looking confused

I unwrapped the foil it was in "Some food my mom cooked."

"Oh thanks."

The door knob turned and in came David. I sighed and tried not to make eye contact with him. He walked over to the table and sat down a bag.

He looked over at me and smiled "What's up?"

"Sup." I say while not looking at him

He looked at the food I had brought Sydney "What's this?"

"Oh it's some food Eric brought me from home." Sydney answered

"Mmm ok. Well I guess you won't be eating any of this." He took some food out of the bag

"I'll eat it later." She said as she grabbed the food and put it in the fridge

"Alright. Well I'm about to leave I'll be back sometime tonight." He walked towards the door

"Alright." She replied

"Stay safe alright."


He opened the door and left. She sat at the table and started to eat.
"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked

"I don't know. Maybe we could go to the park." She said with her mouth full

"Ok. I guess we could do that."

"Well I gotta shower first." She finished and threw the foil away

"Alright." I said as I turned the TV on and flopped on the couch

She went into the bathroom and started to take a shower. I sat there watching TV until she came out with a towel. I licked my lips and smiled.

"I'm almost finished. I just have to put on my clothes and I'll be ready."

"Ok." I smiled

I'm not gonna lie that got me a little aroused. She went into her room and got dressed and come out.

"I'm ready." She smiled

I stood up "Great let's go."

I opened the door and held my hand out "Lady's first."

She chuckled and blushed "Thank you."

I walked out and closed the door. We walked to the park and it was packed with people. They was having barbecues and birthday parties and playing basketball and other stuff. I really just wanted to be alone with Sydney today. I suggested that we walk some of the trails they had and she agreed.

We walked and talked about everything. Her brothers, what I was gonna do for my birthday in a couple of days, and just reminiscing about old times. As we were talkong I found myself just staring at her. Admiring her and taking her all in. Her smile, lips, that ass.

"Hey Sydney I need to ask you something."

"What's up?"

I sighed "I really like you..." I trailed off

"Actually I really love you. I've always had these feelings for you ever since you moved here. I love the way you look at me and smile. I love it when you blush. I love it when you laugh at my corny jokes. I just love everything about you. I guess what I'm trying to say is..." I trailed off again getting nervous

She tilted her head "What is it?"

I was worried she would reject me but I decided to go on and ask her anyway "Will you be my girl?"

She covered her mouth and smiled "Yea."

I smiled and hugged her. She hugged me back and I kissed her cheek. I felt her cheeks warm up as she blushed. I got aroused when she kissed my cheek.

"I'm so glad you're mine Causal." She whispered in my ear

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to have her. I needed her.

Sorry for the short update and weak chapter. The next one is gonna be better I promise.

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