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At 8:30 p.m., Mitch walked to the bridge that lead to the mountain, where the other four waiting for him.
"Let's do this." Mitch said with uncertainty.

The group walked collectively toward the mountain where they got into the caves. After traveling through the tunnels at a seemingly endless rate, they reached the top of the mountain where something seemed off. It was the massive crystal embedded into the odd cliff wall before them.

"Ok. So... what the fuck?" Mitch asked as he inspected the crystal. As he got closer, a pink glow emitted from the far left side of the crystal.
"Guys! Check this out." Mitch stated as he noticed the glow.

As the gang moved closer, red, blue, black, and yellow started to glow from it along side the pink. Mitch reached out to touch it and the crystal cracked a little.
"Woah!" Kirstie jumped at the abrupt sound. Mitch touched it again and it cracked a little more. Scott walked up and touched the crystal, causing it to get a large crack and it started to glow a little.

"This is obviously what our dead selves wanted us to see. We have to get what ever these things are out of there." Kevin stated as he touched the crystal, causing it to glow even more as cracks started to spread slowly. Kirstie and Avi hesitantly touched the crystal. It started to glow intensely as cracking sounds were heard. The group could feel the slick surface shaking as the cracks became deep. The light shone so intensely that the group had to look away as the crystal burst apart.
As the dust cleared, five gems lied on the ground.

Mitch reached for the blue one but was shocked as he touched it, finding out that wasn't one he should touch. Scott grabbed his favorite color, red, and held it in his palm, not being shocked.
"No fair!" Mitch pouted as he crossed his arms. He tried again with the pink one and wasn't shocked this time. Kirstie grabbed the yellow one, Kevin the black, and Avi the blue. Neither of them being shocked.

"Very good." A voice said behind them. The gang turned around and saw their 'ghosts' standing there.
"We got the magic glowing rocks. Now what?" Scott asked them.
"We guide you down the path." The other tall blonde smirked.
"What do you mean train us?" Kevin asked."Follow us and you shall see." The short male brunette said with a smile."Oh fuck that." Mitch said as he started to walk."Mitchell Micheal Coby Grassi!" The short male brunette growled. Mitch stopped in his tracks.
"Follow us." The short female brunette stated as they all fell backward off of the mountain.

"We aren't really gonna follow them are w-" Mitch was cut off by Scott charging towards the cliff the figures jumped off of, the others chasing after him.
"Scott!" They all shouted as he jumped. They all grabbed him but fell, plummeting to the large water body below.

They all screamed as they held onto each other for dear life, waiting for impact. They screamed as they splashed deep into the water.
Scott's eye shot open as he saw the figures go deeper and deeper into the water. He turned to look at the group and saw they had opened their eyes as well. With courage now filling his veins, he swam after the figures, the others followed him.

Scott saw intricate carvings as they swam deeper. As he got deeper he saw a light. As he got closer, he reached for it. He felt his hand moving out water and cool air hit it. Scott slowly emerged through the water and fell into a dimly lit cave. The others slowly fell into the cave one by one as looks of awe racked over them.
"Woah." Avi gasped as he looked around.

There were five pillars in the center of the cave, Kirstie noticed them first.
"Guys! The pillars." She said as she stood in front of one of them.
"You must place your gems on the pillar." A voice said.

Mommy! What Are Those Colors in the Sky? (Pentatonix AU)Where stories live. Discover now