Chapter 11~ Sassy words and a black eye.

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Just to ruin my happy day guess who walks in? Julia Swey. Ugh i can't stand her. She walks in wearing her short skirt high heels, tight top that doesn't even look like a top. It looks like a bra. Wow. Her is in a high pony tail and she is strutting in with her other two minions. Vicky Tolentino and Tiffany Warren. I hate saying this but they are sluts. It's like 'mean girls' but worse cause their actually here. Will and Harry huff as they look at them and start laughing. " What are you laughing at Styles?" Julia asks harshly as she walks over and sitting on our desk look over at me and giving me a fake smile then turning back to Harry. What is gonna say?. "um well why do you girls dress like that?" he asks and then Will goes off in a Laughing fit behined Harry. " that's enough Willy" Julia says. "you wanna know why i and my girls dress like this? it's so we can get boys like you and those jocks in our pants" she says grinning and then Vicky and Tiffany nod and giggle behined her. "yeah well i wouldn't. Only a douche would." he says smirking and i try to stop him from speaking because it's not at all right to speak that way. "what the hell are you indruding on in our conversation little miss perfect? get lost he's mine now?" Julia says and Harry just starts laughing. "haha well where's Mark are you done with him or did you just screw him but you need the dessert?" i say and everyone in the room starts laughing. "your not to shy anymore Beth" Tiffany says from behined. I smirk. "some day you'll be sorry" she says and then get's up to walk away. "we already are!" i say as she sits down in the back row while everyone laughs. Vicky and Tiffany look shocked. "your so brave" Tiffany says in a kind of dumb girl way and then the both of them walk off to Julia. Maybe they don't like being bost around by Miss Swey. My mum was right she does need to be put down. Then as the class starts to get louder Mark comes in and looks at me first. Out of all the people he would look at me? what bloody coward. 

As Mark starts to walk into the room he won't take his eyes off me. I'm kind of worried of what he would do. He comes and slams the photo frame that i broke on to my desk in front of me and speaks. "fix my fucking photo frame! how dare you smash it you little bitch" he spits. Harry immediatley gets up and looks at Mark. Mark is taking aback a little. "fix it" he spits again. "now who do you think you are? talking to someone like that?" Harry says. "who the fuck is this creep?" Mark says waving his hands in the air. "i will not be spoken to like that" Mark yells in Harry's face. "and neither would would you kindly piss off and do your normal rutine." Harry says to Mark. I'm beginning to fall hard for Harry. He is so caring to me and i will never ever think of him in another way. "yeah well normal rutine used to involve this one" He says pointing to me. "that was almost 2 months ago Mark. You cheated on me and i dumped you. I was the one to say it first. You tore me. You broke my heart that day and i hate my self for ever loving you." i say. "well thats all a load of bullshit...guys none of this is true. I did cheat on her. yes. With Julia. And i was going to tell you but i couldn't cause you caught me. And well i'm not saying sorry" he says and crosses his arms. "so this is the guy?" harry asks and i nod. Then out of nowhere unexpectedly Harry throws a punch to Mark's face and Mark goes balistick. They both end up fighting together and i was afraid that Harry got hurt but he didn't. I knew this was a bad idea. Talking to him. Fuck you Mark. My mind says as i jump on Mark to get him off Harry. "get off of him" i say to Mark. "fuck off Bethany" Mark says and throws me away and it hurt. I don't know if i can feel my legs anymore. "Beth!" Harry yells and struggles to get out of Marks grip. I finally sat up and then looked into the most beautiful eyes. He smiled and then touched my cheek. Could you stop please! my mind yells. "here, are you ok?" he asks me picking me up and placing me on a table. "we are not done" Mark says yelling at Harry as he storms off to another room. "ahuh the question is are you ok?" i ask him touching his swollen cheek. "i'll be fine" he says softly. It was then i did the unexpected. I kissed him softly on the lips and then held his back. He was so musculer. He kissed me back and then rapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a tight hug. Our tongues were moving in sinc and then we pulled away at the same time. We smiled together and then i giggled. "we haven't even gone on our date and here we are kissing like there's no tomorrow" he says laughing. My cheeks flushed. "sorry...i guess i just really needed a kiss" i say smirking. Then he picks me up in the air and pulls me down in to a hug. I clould seriously get used to this. 

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