Chapter Four

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I retrace my steps and by the time I reach the entrance of the cafeteria, my heartbeat is back to its normal pace. I recognize two female Candor transfers who I assume are heading to our living quarters, so I follow them, leaving a small distance between us. The two are having an animated conversation that I can’t help but hear.

“He’s so hot!”

“And he’s a Dauntless leader too! Can you believe it? I do love a man in power,” one of the girls says to the other as both start giggling. I roll my eyes. They’re not even trying to be conspicuous; Max could easily turn one of these corners and hear them talking about him. How embarrassing.

Well, those are the Candor for you. I think to myself, mentally snickering at their openness.

We arrive at the initiates living quarters and before I can even look around, I’m knocked out of breath by a petite blonde’s crushing hug. I look down at Vera who’s hugging me tightly and can’t help smile.

“Where have you been?! Jeff and I turned around and you were gone!” Vera said with a worried look on her face. I can’t hide the feeling that I’m happy someone in this faction is already generally concerned for me.

“Sorry about that. I lost you two for a minute and decided to go exploring.” I look at the initiates running around, claiming beds, changing, napping and chatting. “There’s something I have to tell you.” I grab Vera’s hand and walk out to an empty corridor and explain to her in detail what I overheard from Zak and his Erudite friend.

“Shit. How does a girl like you already have enemies?! Aren’t you supposed to be peaceful and shit?”

“Zak started it! Not me.”

“Whoever started it doesn’t matter anymore. If Zak wants revenge that bad, then we have a big problem on our hands. He’s right, you know; Dauntless is not very strict on their laws.” She stops and looks around to make sure the coast is clear before she drops her voice to a whisper. “People have gotten away with murder here Em.”

My eyes widen in shock.

“You need to make sure you are never alone until we can figure out a game plan. Got it?”

I slowly nod my head.

My vision of living a long and happy life in Dauntless is beginning to slowly fade away. Did I make the right choice? It’s my first day, and I already have an enemy. Will things finally fall into place or will I have to watch my back forever?


Vera and I head back into our temporary sleeping quarters that are still bustling with energy. As I look around the vast room filled with rows of single beds lining the walls, I see everyone getting ready for our first training session. It doesn't surprise me that most of the initiates look excited, even though no one knows what to expect. This is what we all transferred for. We wanted to train to be the best tactical fighters across all the factions and to defend our people against any threats. We wanted to be Dauntless even though we knew this faction was not for the faint of heart. Seeing everyone preparing, I can't help but feel proud, but it's not long before I feel a trickle of nerves kick in. Only when initiation is complete will I be a true Dauntless member. Until then, all of these initiates will be my competition. That's what this will be in the end, right? A competition; a series of training sessions that will wean out the weakest of the bunch, and anyone who doesn't last...will be factionless.

I shake the mental image of me driving one of the public buses out of my head and walk towards an empty cot and claim it. Almost everyone is now dressed in black. You would never be able to tell that the transfers around me are new to Dauntless.

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