Chapter 1: He's Destined to Defeat You

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"A Dragon Out of Time" Commissioned for by CartoonSilverFox

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"A Dragon Out of Time" Commissioned for by CartoonSilverFox

  "Both of us have lived for a very long time, Sorceress" Malefor said as he strutted about the Sorceress' throne room. His presence here was beginning to make her uncomfortable. All Dragons are her sworn enemies, it was for that very reason she banished all of them from the Forgotten Realms millennia ago. Somehow, this Malefor Dragon was able to find her and was now speaking to her candidly. Why am I even tolerating his presence? But deep down the Sorceress knew the answer even before she asked the question to herself. This large, powerful, purple Dragon frightened her. She of course tried to give no inclination that she was intimidated by him, though she herself wasn't exactly sure if she was showing any outward signs of being afraid. But why am I afraid, she thought to herself again. I am the Sorceress; I have complete mastery of all elemental magic and can take down any Dragon. But even as this thought entered her mind she knew that this Dragon was different.

"Why are you here, Malefor? No Dragons are allowed in my Realm. I thought I've made that abundantly clear." The Sorceress felt she was doing a decent job concealing her emotions, but she also couldn't get a read on Malefor at all.

"To deliver a warning. I'm aware of your sentiment towards Dragons, and although I try not to take your resentment of my species and I personally, it still stings. What have I ever done to earn the hatred of the mighty Sorceress?" Was he seriously patronizing me? My name is feared throughout the Forgotten Realms and throughout Avalar. But Malefor was a prideful Dragon, the Sorceress could tell as soon as she first saw him. It was to go against his very nature to put himself beneath another creature, especially one that wasn't a Dragon. What is his ploy?

"My eternal grudge with the Dragon race needs neither an explanation nor justification, Malefor. Now I ask again, why are you here?"

"I assume you know a lot about Dragons. They say you can't hate something unless you love it as well. To devote so much energy into loathing someone with every fiber of your being takes a conscious effort to focus endlessly on the very thing you despise. It's why you're allowing me to have this conference with you. You know who I am and how dangerous I can be." The Sorceress gulped silently as she maintained her poker face. She could see the rage boiling quietly in Malefor's eyes. He was indeed one of the most dangerous Dragons in existence. "However there is only one creature in existence who has lived as long as me and who has killed roughly as many Dragons as I have. So in mutual respect I come here and heed this warning. Another purple Dragon has been born in the Realm of the Artisans. Like me, he is destined to wield both the elemental forces and the convexity itself. If he is allowed to reach adulthood, he will rise to challenge us, for it is his destiny. I've seen in, and surely you too must have been warned by your prophets, maybe not specifically, but nevertheless were told of a challenge to your throne." It was true that I've been warned by my prophet of a danger to my throne, but how could Malefor know that?

"If I already knew about the danger you've come here to warn me about, Malefor, then why tell me again?"

"Because I'm asking you to deal with the problem. Unlike me, you have an entire kingdom at your disposal, while I would have to deal with this personally. I'm telling you to figure out a way to kill that Dragon now, before it has any chance to live. Before he has any chance to defeat you." To think that any Dragon stood a chance against me was laughable. But Malefor had said that this infant was a purple Dragon. And Malefor was a fully-fledged adult purple Dragon, which made her all the more nervous about this infant Dragon. Malefor then came uncomfortably close to the Sorceress and circled around her. The Sorceress did not move or allow her body to tense up. To move or show discomfort would be a sign of weakness, and she couldn't allow herself to be weak in the presence of a Dragon. His head was now inches away from hers, and he whispered into her ear. "Once you kill him, the other Dragons will fall. You'll have what you've always wanted. And them someday, I will too." He walked away from her and headed towards a large window. "Goodbye, Sorceress." He said as coldly as when he first came here, but with a faint smile, then he flew out the window. The sudden gush of wind from his wings made the Sorceress shutter, but she also knew that his presence here today had rattled her. She has been alive for a thousand years, and today was the first time since she was a young that a Dragon had scared her. Although "scared" wasn't the appropriate feeling, at least not now since she didn't think she needed to worry about Malefor at the moment. It was... what Malefor said about hatred. Her loathing of the Dragons began in her adolescence, before she found the power she needed to kill the creatures that murdered her father. But today she had met a Dragon who was either her equal or superior in magical prowess.

The Sorceress' scepter shook in her hand, before she realized that it was her hand itself that was shaking. She forced herself to calm down, and proceeded to think about how to deal with the problem Malefor had warned her about. Another purple Dragon... Malefor had been born thousands of years ago, like she was. Purple Dragons were rare, the pinnacle of their species abilities. Now that the Sorceress knew of one in its infancy, she had to kill it. But why did Malefor need me to deal with the problem? The answer was obvious now that she remembered where the infant Dragon was born. Neither she nor Malefor could get into the Dragon Realms, there was a magical barrier keeping them out specifically. But the Sorceress did have the resources to find and steal a Dragon egg. Maybe that baby Dragon could be of some use is she could appropriate its magic abilities. The process would kill the baby Dragon, but that was what she wanted in the first place. And to think that a Dragon would be beneficial to her in any way, it almost made her cringe, like how Malefor made her cringe. Hatred...

"Bianca!" Little feet could be heard as a young bunny made her way as quickly as she could to the throne room.

"Yes my liege." Such a young prodigy of magic. Someday I'll have to tell her what happened to the rest of her family and her peoples. How I murdered all of them so they couldn't rise to challenge me.

"Prep the orb, I have a call to make."

"Right away, my liege."

A Dragon out of Time, A Crash and Spyro StoryWhere stories live. Discover now